Saturday, January 1, 2011

What Noah's doing at 11 Months

At 11 months Noah is getting closer to walking.  He has taken mulitple steps on his own, but will usually only do it if we are trying to get him to and he walks from one person to another.  It's exciting and he's so cute when he does it but I'm sure I will want to take it back once he really starts. 
-He has just got such a personality!
-he now says shoes and knows what they are, he has said love you multiple times ( I have had witnesses to it 3 times because I know it's not usually a first saying, haha)
-he is still so super picky with textures of food and doesn't feed himself anything but yogurt melts, that's all we can get him to do so far
-when you say so big he lifts his hands in the air
-he has gotten closer at blowing kisses, he puts his hand on his mouth, but more importantly he gives KISSES sometimes, haha not always the kind you would want.  He usually just dives towards my mouth with his wide open.  I still love it though! 
-is a dancing machine, he cracks us up every day by dancing to music or dancing without it.  He has this new thing he does with his feet he taps them on the ground, so funny!
-we are still working on our face parts, I know he knows nose but he just won't say it, sometimes he will point to our nose but hasn't touched his yet
-still loves books (I'm so glad for) and his Elmo So Big book he really knows what comes next and does some of the things elmo does in the book before I even read them.  Such a smartie!
-is all over the place and can destroy the house in no time! 
-finally has been sleeping through the night for a few weeks now except for the last couple which I think he is just still confused and messed up from traveling. 
-absolutely hates his coat, throws a fit just about every time we put it on.  I'm ready for spring because of that!
-is still in 12-18 month clothes, and is starting to look so much skinnier, he isn't a chunky baby at all anymore.  I can't believe how much he has thinned out, even his cheeks have gone down a little
-is just so darn cute, I can barely stand it sometimes! 
I can't believe he will be a year in 10 more days, there will be lots of changes coming up.  We get to switch him to whole milk, turn his car seat around, once they hit a year they just start to seem so old.  His 1st birthday party is a week from today, so exciting!  Can't wait, but first I have lots to get done this week! 

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