Tuesday, November 27, 2012

One of a Kind

Noah I can't believe you will be 3 in less than 2 months.  I never thought I would be one to say I wanted to turn back time or take you back to when you were younger but I'm about to.  You are just getting so darn big and sometimes it just makes me sad.  The other day when you went potty all by yourself and said "mom I do it by myself"  it made me want to cry.  You do so much now and don't need me to help you.  Granted it's quite nice at times but this is going to take some adjusting!  You are for sure in the independent stage you want to do everything on your own most days but then sometimes you want mommy to do it so you are always keeping me on my toes.
You are so particular some days.  You know what cup you want and what color plate.  You want to sit in your chair at the table before I put Carson in his seat, you want me to cut up your food on the island some days and others you want to watch me do it on the kitchen table, then some days you want your cheese in squares others in rectangles, you don't want any lights on until you get in the room like the playroom if  I turn the light on before you walk in boy am I in trouble.  You have so many other quirks I could write all night.

You are officially potty trained I would say, we have been pretty successful lately with our issue and most days you do good, I figured out the trick, I have to leave the room.  I don't blame you there at all buddy!

Anyways just wanted to jot down some of the funny things you have done/ said lately.  I can totally understand why people say these are the best years of your life because toddlers are a riot.  Things are crazy, stressful and hectic but you sure can make us laugh.

You are pretty much just like me and make all the same responses I do in certain cases even the ones that are a little embarassing like "Stop your whining Carson" and  A few weeks ago we were eating out and Carson spilled something and you said,  "uuuggghh, darnit Carson"

You call Carson buddy, and my favorite "sweetie pie" in a southern draw when he gets up in the morning.  Yeah you copied that from me.  Now you know I love it so you do it even more often

We will ask you a question if you want or need something and sometimes you reply "no I"m good"  I haven't figured out where you got that one yet

You say, "Noah so excited" a lot I love it!

Sometimes you ask us for kisses and hugs, because I'm always asking you and you say love you just down right adorable

You are obsessed with the word crocodile, you say it all the time and I have no idea why.  Tonight you actually used it as a word instead of something fun to say and told me the crocodiles were in your bed and that's why you couldn't go to bed.  Nice try.

I could go on and on and I'm sure will add some more over the next few days because when I want to write down stuff I can never remember.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Carson at 15 Months

Carson at 15 months you

-weigh 24.2 pounds.For as active as you are you still put on a few pounds in the last couple months

-finally have more teeth.  All of a sudden last week we noticed 4 new ones in the back.  You have been such a trooper about them, got them all without any medicine because well we didn't know/realize

-have went completely independent with eating.  You won't even let me feed you mac and cheese or yogurt anymore.  Yeah, mealtimes are pretty much a complete mess!  You have to feed yourself everything.

-have been cuddling with me again, not rocking but you really like to cuddle at certain times during the day

-still love the darn potty and my pot and pan cabinet!

-love your kisses and the way sometimes you say mwah

-give high fives

-love singing songs, I think your favorite is Elmo's song, it's pretty much how I get you to hold still to change your diaper and Itsy bitsy.  I swear you say spider but it could be me wanting you to say it.                          

-you are finding ways to let us know what you want even though you can't say it

-love being chased

-do not like to go to bed at night by yourself.  Everytime we put you to bed before Noah you throw a fit but if we put you both to bed at the same time you usually do just fine.

-loves looking at pictures of us.  Your favorite are the pictures in the hall of you and Noah.  You light up when we let you touch them.

-are a climber, anything you can try to get on or up you do!

-started saying Noah, and yelling at him when you can't find him.  It's adorable.  You also just learned puppy and that they say ruff, ruff and kitty cat and meow.  I think you are going to explode soon with talking.

-seriously have one of the cutest personalities I know.  You just talk and talk sometimes and really think you are telling us something.  Your smile kills me, you play so cute with your cars and walk around and make noises for them.  You love your brother so much and want to do everything he does.  I thank God for you every day, so blessed to have you!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Crappy Morning!

Disclaimer:  For  those of you who don't want to read about the disaster with poop on Monday stop here, I'm about to tell the whole story.  I blog to make books for my kids and this is definitely something I want to be able to show Noah when he's older and maybe someday laugh about! 

Anyways Monday was probably my worst mommy day yet.  I was upstairs doing what I don't remember while the boys were playing downstairs and Noah yelled up "uh oh, mommy big mess".  I started to go down the stairs and saw a bunch of what looked like poop and moved a little faster to where Carson was crawling up the stairs and noticed he was covered in poop, his hands, clothes, feet, yeah a mess.  I was so confused!  I got downstairs and then saw the real mess.  Noah had went in his undies and didn't have pants on, so my guess is somehow it all fell out and as picky as he is don't think he must of known and I really know he didn't run over it on purpose but he did with his little mega blocks dump truck/wagon.  

Then still without knowing I'm guessing he ran the wagon around the big circle in our basement like he usually does until he got back around to the beginning where he could see the tracks and the mess that I'm guessing Carson made worse by touching and walking around in it.  

It was an overwhelming moment of where do I even start and I don't know even know if I can clean this up. I got the boys cleaned up first, cried, yelled and took a breather outside while I sprayed the wagon off and then was ready to conquer the mess.  I had a carpet cleaner brought over and began cleaning the carpets.  It actually came up really well and it didn't take as long as I thought it would.  We made it, but hopefully this will be the last incident like this I will ever have to deal with (knock on wood).

Friday, November 9, 2012

To All Moms

I'm not going to lie,  I struggle...
I struggle to do it all!
I compare myself to mom bloggers.
I compare myself to mom's posts on facebook
I compare myself to people I don't even know on Pinterest.
Comparing is such a battle for me.  I'm working on it and know it will always be something I will have to watch out for but the last couple years it has just seemed to take over!

There are days when I feel like
-a terrible mom, like I'm not doing enough fun things with my kids
-a terrible wife because  I don't have dinner made, house perfectly clean and haven't planned a date night in forever
-my house isn't perfectly decorated
-I'm failing my family in the food I provide/ let them eat
-I'm not creative enough
-I'm not skinny/healthy enough
and the list could go on and on.

Where did all of this come from?  Well I know that I have always had some of it but social media for me has truly made this worse and worse.

On Pinterest and blogs I see all the fun things I should be doing with my kids, all the projects and recipes I should make, the 100 ways to make my man feel loved, all the clean eating blogs/ posts, all the workout tips and great bodies that are dressed super trendy and all that can make me feel junky if I choose to let it (which does happen a lot).

I also loved what Jill Savage said at the Women's refresher conference (more on that later) but she said she likes to call Facebook a highlight reel where all we see is people's highlights and that can be so true!

Anyways didn't mean to bare my heart and soul (not good at that either) but wanted to share a post that was on Jill Savage's blog this week.  Totally smacked me in the face and really made me think so I felt the need to share with all the moms out there.  We worry and compare so much, I just loved reading a true biblical description for myself as a mom!

You can read the post here.


Carson at 14 Months

Carson at 14 Months, you are

-Not letting me rock you anymore.  This one totally bums me out.  I was enjoying that so much!
You don't ever want to miss out on anything your brother is doing
- Are getting much, much pickier about what you eat darnit!
-You hate diaper changes and going to sleep!
-You have been throwing some major fits lately.  You get so upset about not getting what you want.  It amazes for someone your age.  You just throw yourself to the ground, kick, roll around whatever you can do to make your yourself known.
-Are into everything, cabinets, toilets, closets, climbing.  You my son are pretty quick and fearless.

I love you so much buddy but not going to lie, this last month has been a challenge with the fits and constant messes.  Lucky for us, Noah has really started to like picking up so he has been helping out a lot.  But yet that also comes back to bite us because he's always yelling at you to not make a mess.

-You still can be such a sweetie.   I just love that face of yours in the  morning!  And you still have your bunny teeth that just kill me!
-You still have 6 teeth.
-You are still wearing 12-18 months
-Still having a milk bedtime bottle.  Although I think this week we will start trying a cup, you usually like to walk around and drink it over about a 1/2 hour and you don't use it to go to sleep so maybe you will let us stop the bottle.
- You will only eat if you can use your hands except macaroni and cheese you will let me feed you.
-You are getting so big and such a cutie pie!  We realized your hair grows incredibly slow so your silly haircut is lasting for awhile.
-You love reading books and you make up your own stories sometimes.  You are the quite the noise maker!
-Speaking of noise, boy oh boy do you make plenty of it in the kitchen with the pots and pans!  You absolutely love the sounds of the lids on the tile floor!  Yeah, mom doesn't so much.
-You don't really have any new words you use.  Sorry buddy we need to get working with you.  Second child we have been a lot slower with stuff!  There are a lot of times you may of said something but I just wasn't sure and didn't hear you say it again to know for sure if you knew what something was.  That's our project this month, new words and face parts!

Carson, love you so much buddy! I'm your mom  I will take the good and bad and still love you all the same!  That smile and laugh of yours just kill me.   I just love watching you and Noah when you play and laugh, my heart melts!


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