Friday, November 9, 2012

To All Moms

I'm not going to lie,  I struggle...
I struggle to do it all!
I compare myself to mom bloggers.
I compare myself to mom's posts on facebook
I compare myself to people I don't even know on Pinterest.
Comparing is such a battle for me.  I'm working on it and know it will always be something I will have to watch out for but the last couple years it has just seemed to take over!

There are days when I feel like
-a terrible mom, like I'm not doing enough fun things with my kids
-a terrible wife because  I don't have dinner made, house perfectly clean and haven't planned a date night in forever
-my house isn't perfectly decorated
-I'm failing my family in the food I provide/ let them eat
-I'm not creative enough
-I'm not skinny/healthy enough
and the list could go on and on.

Where did all of this come from?  Well I know that I have always had some of it but social media for me has truly made this worse and worse.

On Pinterest and blogs I see all the fun things I should be doing with my kids, all the projects and recipes I should make, the 100 ways to make my man feel loved, all the clean eating blogs/ posts, all the workout tips and great bodies that are dressed super trendy and all that can make me feel junky if I choose to let it (which does happen a lot).

I also loved what Jill Savage said at the Women's refresher conference (more on that later) but she said she likes to call Facebook a highlight reel where all we see is people's highlights and that can be so true!

Anyways didn't mean to bare my heart and soul (not good at that either) but wanted to share a post that was on Jill Savage's blog this week.  Totally smacked me in the face and really made me think so I felt the need to share with all the moms out there.  We worry and compare so much, I just loved reading a true biblical description for myself as a mom!

You can read the post here.


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