Friday, November 9, 2012

Carson at 14 Months

Carson at 14 Months, you are

-Not letting me rock you anymore.  This one totally bums me out.  I was enjoying that so much!
You don't ever want to miss out on anything your brother is doing
- Are getting much, much pickier about what you eat darnit!
-You hate diaper changes and going to sleep!
-You have been throwing some major fits lately.  You get so upset about not getting what you want.  It amazes for someone your age.  You just throw yourself to the ground, kick, roll around whatever you can do to make your yourself known.
-Are into everything, cabinets, toilets, closets, climbing.  You my son are pretty quick and fearless.

I love you so much buddy but not going to lie, this last month has been a challenge with the fits and constant messes.  Lucky for us, Noah has really started to like picking up so he has been helping out a lot.  But yet that also comes back to bite us because he's always yelling at you to not make a mess.

-You still can be such a sweetie.   I just love that face of yours in the  morning!  And you still have your bunny teeth that just kill me!
-You still have 6 teeth.
-You are still wearing 12-18 months
-Still having a milk bedtime bottle.  Although I think this week we will start trying a cup, you usually like to walk around and drink it over about a 1/2 hour and you don't use it to go to sleep so maybe you will let us stop the bottle.
- You will only eat if you can use your hands except macaroni and cheese you will let me feed you.
-You are getting so big and such a cutie pie!  We realized your hair grows incredibly slow so your silly haircut is lasting for awhile.
-You love reading books and you make up your own stories sometimes.  You are the quite the noise maker!
-Speaking of noise, boy oh boy do you make plenty of it in the kitchen with the pots and pans!  You absolutely love the sounds of the lids on the tile floor!  Yeah, mom doesn't so much.
-You don't really have any new words you use.  Sorry buddy we need to get working with you.  Second child we have been a lot slower with stuff!  There are a lot of times you may of said something but I just wasn't sure and didn't hear you say it again to know for sure if you knew what something was.  That's our project this month, new words and face parts!

Carson, love you so much buddy! I'm your mom  I will take the good and bad and still love you all the same!  That smile and laugh of yours just kill me.   I just love watching you and Noah when you play and laugh, my heart melts!

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