Saturday, December 11, 2010

11 Months Old

Today our little boy is 11 months old.  I can't believe we will be celebrating his 1st birthday in one month, that is so crazy to me!  I didn't weigh him again this month on the actual month birthday ( I haven't been doing good on the scale pictures) but I did Thursday night and he was 23.4lbs.  He is still just hovering at the same weight.  He has gained 1 lb I think in the last 3 months.  He has really slowed down.  He doesn't look chunky at all to us anymore.  Matthew usually is calling him skinny nowadays but we expected  him to slow down since he has been walking around and crawling all the time.

Today Noah and I went shopping with Grandma Shelley, Taylor and Hannah.  Usually when I got shopping I plan out to leave when it will be about time for a nap so he will sleep on the drive, well today it was a last minute thing and I had to wake him up at 8:30 so I knew he wasn't going to be napping since we were leaving at 9.   I decided that just for today I would put his carseat forward facing so that way we would all enjoy the drive a little more if he was a happy boy.  At first he just stared at mom since she was in the drivers seat with the wheel and all things on the dash.  I never really thought about that he had never seen that stuff.  He stayed awake for the whole way up and did great shopping. The way back he was a very tired boy but just couldn't get himself to sleep.  I tried everything.  I even got out the DVD player and put in a kid movie.  That worked for say maybe 30 seconds, then we were back to throwing our fit.  

Once we got home I put him down for a nap and he slept maybe 25 minutes, not long but enough to hold him until bedtime.  Once I heard him up I went in and found the little man playing with his crib machine and standing, what he loves to do in his crib now. 

After catching some pictures in his crib I thought I better show off how cute he is playing on his workbench. I bought this at a garage sale back in May and have had it in the basement all this time waiting to get it out. The other day I was bored with his toys and remembered it and brought it up.  He is probably a little short yet for it and really doesn't play with it like he should since it's meant for an older kid but it's okay he still loves it.  
 And then he also uses it to help him get places by using it to help him move in between the furniture

I've always heard people talk about wanting to freeze their kids and have had many people say to me "don't you just want to freeze him?"  Honestly so far I have always looked forward to the next stage but now I am enjoying him at this age so much and wouldn't definetly freeze him if I could.  He is just such a happy boy now, he understands so much and he is just so fun to play with.  Love him more than I could ever explain!

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