Thursday, July 7, 2011

Boys Room

So I finally did it, 31 weeks along, my due date is exactly 2 months from today and I finally ordered some more bedding.  I have been searching and searching for quite some time but wasn't sure just what to do.  First I was set on making a matching set for the boys and scouted out fabric from every fabric website I could find with nothing that really jumped out at me and said that's it.  I found one line of fabrics I liked but was having a hard time finding somewhere to purchase the whole line, it was always sold out, or could find some of it but not all of the different ones available.  So I gave up since time was running out and started looking at sets to purchase.  I had found a set awhile ago I really wanted but there was always something not available and sometimes it was just completely gone from the site all together.  Now it's hard to find matching crib and toddler sets there really aren't very many selections.Once it was all finally in stock again, I realized I couldn't get the crib and toddler set because Noah will be on a twin size mattress so the toddler sets are not even an option for us. For  the record, toddler sets fits the same size mattress as whats in the crib.  Grr... I had to start all over again.  Now I thought there weren't very many options for finding matching crib and toddler sets, they aren't any matching for a crib and twin mattress.  So instead of buying new crib bedding (even though I would love to) we decided to keep Noah's current set for Carson and find something for Noah that matched or at least comes close to the same colors.  I thought I would have to go with just a plain comforter or something but did find a quilt set that looks like the colors are pretty close to what will be Carson's crib bedding.  (It's nothing I would generally pick out, but it was the best option I could find) I ordered it Wednesday so when it comes in next week we will find out just how close the colors are.  I'm hoping the light blue color in both will be similar and then that is what I will plan on painting the room.  It's definitely not my dream room for the boys, but I'm trying to be practical Jen and save money so this just makes the most sense.  Then in a few years Carson will be moving to a big boy bed so we will have to re-do the room again then, and maybe then I will get to do what I really want. (Hoping Noah isn't too into anything that he begs me for Cars or a another character set because I'm going to try and stay away from that for as long as possible/ever) 
I tried to get pictures to show up on here, but when I saved them, they either came up super blurry or as white pictures, not sure why so here is a link to the current bedding Noah has that Carson will keep

And here is the link to the set we ordered for Noah's new big boy bed

Anxious for it to come in, so we can get painting and get the room decorated.  It looks so big, empty and white!  We will definitely post pictures once we finally get somewhere with it. 

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