Friday, July 22, 2011


This week I'm definitely feeling the whole pregnancy nesting thing.  Ever since Noah's new big boy bedding came in I have been ready to start getting things ready. This week Matthew finished staining Noah's new bed and painted the boys room blue for me ( I wasn't allowed to help, so he was up until 2:30 am painting it Wednesday morning.  Wednesday we moved Noah's new bed upstairs from the basement where it had been hanging out and put the new bedding on.  It really is cute, I like it better than I thought I would and it does match Noah's old crib stuff really well.  Then last night I started washing all the sleepers/ onesies of Noah's that I thought maybe Carson would use in the first month or so and also the new clothes for Carson that I have bought.  Then this morning I got all those hung up and put away.  I started to try and reorganize the closet, but Noah was done playing in his room so I had to put that project on hold.  Hopefully soon I can get to work on that, because that is something I'm really excited/anxious to do.  I'm not sure why, but organzing closets is so fun to me.

 Also early in the week I had gotten an email letting me know my auto delivery diapers I order for Noah from Amazon mom were shipped and I realized wow Carson will totally need diapers too, because size 4 just won't do it right away.  So since when you set up a auto delivered subscription for diapers you get 30% off I set one up for newborn and size 1 diapers.  I figured I would just get a big box of each, cancel the subscriptions before the next shipment comes and  then reset it up once I know  how big and what size diapers I will really be needing for awhile.  It has been so nice for Noah, because he has been in size 4 forever and every month like clockwork I get close to the end of our diapers and the next box is already on it's way.  It's worked out perfect with him.  Anyone who uses disposables, Amazon mom is  a great program,  free  fast shipping ( I already got the diapers this week),  30% savings on diapers and wipes with auto delivery and savings on  other baby items and so easy.  If you ever need something later/ earlier than your scheduled delivery you just log on and change the dates!  I love it!

So now that the room is set up, clothes are washed and put away, diapers are everywhere until I get a chance to reorganize the closets/drawers, decorating the walls in the room are next on the list.  This afternoon I'm painting some canvases brown and Matthew has a design drawn up of what he is going to paint on them for the boys once he gets a chance.  I'm excited, we will post pictures when they are done.  Then I need to go through the attic and get down all the baby stuff from Noah that we have packed away.  I forgot how much stuff babies use in the beginning!  I know I have almost 7 weeks left but of course I still have that hope of going early and with Noah everything takes longer to get done that it used to so I want to have everything in order and ready with a month to spare just in case! 

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