Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Noah at 3 Years

Noah at 3 years old you

-Are completely potty trained!  Finally!  So proud of you!

-Are so stinking cute, silly and funny and at the same time the biggest back talker at 3, how does that happen?
We have some work to do in that department for sure but I know you are 3 now and for some reason 3 year olds start to think they have that right already.

-You outsmart me all the time, talk and act just like me at times, my outbursts come back to bite me because I hear you say my responses all the time.  The other day you told me "mom you know better".  You also talk British a lot.  You are always saying " I not" with a pouty lip and your arms folded.

- Are so smart and I couldn't be more proud of you.  I always remember back to when we thought you had speech issues because you weren't talking.  Now if you are awake you are talking.  We can have real conversations with you.  You understand everything, never forget anything we do/say and surprise me daily with the things that come out of your mouth.

-You can count to 10, and know most of the numbers to 20 you just sometimes skip some.  You can sing your ABC's and can recognize them all.  You can now sing lots of parts of songs like Twinkle Twinkle, Jesus Loves you, Row Row, This little light of mine, Old MacDonald, Head and Shoulders, and your Thomas the Train theme song.

-You can get yourself completely dressed but don't always want to.  Some days Noah wants to do it and others you want us too.  We never know what kind of day it is!

-Finally eat everything yourself.  This was a long process and we still worked on it a lot this last year
-Are a fruit lover and finally eating more foods each month.  We have been making you try a lot more lately.
Someday  I will be making the same dinner for all of us!

-Are such a little helper!

-Can be such a lover.  You love kisses and hugs from us, you tell me you love me (my heart melts every time),  and sometimes want me to rock you after you see me rocking Carson at night.  You are getting old for that but I don't care, you let me I 'm doing it!  You also have your moments with Carson.  The other day you were so loving to him.  At one point I even shed a few tears.

-Love Thomas the train anything.  You also still like Lightning McQueen and the Crew.  It amazes me how much you get into it.  I never thought I would be one to get into character stuff but seeing how happy it makes you I can't help it.

-You love puzzles, doing art stuff, making messes and all things boy.  You enjoy doing learning stuff too, which  I love!  You used to pick something and play with it alot each day but now most days you move around from toy to toy playing with all sorts of different stuff

-Can be so quirky.  I could go on and on with examples.  But we have learned once we do anything for the first time, that's how you want it done each time.  And you and Carson both ended up super scheduled.  Maybe I'm to blame for that!

Noah one day you have me wanting to walk out the door or lock myself in my room, then the next I just can't help but want to give you a big hug and kiss you all day.  You make my temper go crazy and my heart so happy!  I love you so much!  You are a true toddler, and we have ups and down but I wouldn't trade you for anything.  I love this age you are at.  We have so much fun with you, love your imagination and personality!

Love you Noee!

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