Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What Noah's doings at 15 Months

Can't believe how much Noah is growing up, it's going by so fast!

At 15 Months Noah is quite the little character.....


-drinks milk, YEAH!!! Finally he drinks 2% milk without any formula mixed in, took us awhile to get here but we made it.  He still has 2 bottles, a morning and bedtime.  We will be working on these next but for now we are so happy we got him to milk.  He still won't drink the milk in a cup so that's the issue. 
-is pretty much running now
-has 8 teeth
-talking more, he says many forms of da dad, mama and mom, shoes, juice, cheese, chips, does the sign for more in his own version, down, attempts Mickey, tractor, hot,ba ba, he mimics a lot of other words at times, but doesn't know them, just in that stage
- does a few motions from Itsy Bitsy spider and claps after each time we sing it
-knows his tongue, ears, nose and sometimes seems to know eyes, you have to wait until he's in the right mood otherwise trying to get him to do these are hopeless.  Tongue and ears are his favorites
-eats so much better and actually feeds himself (AWESOME!)  He loves green beans, grapes, cantaloupe, and strawberries, yogurt, any type of pasta
-thinks he runs the house, he definitely thinks he is in control.  He is already trying to push me around the house to get me where he wants.  Sometimes he will get behind me when I'm sitting on the floor and try to get me to go where he wants.
-throws some pretty good fits
-is all over the place and loves to head right for the road when we go outside. 
-Loves it outside- at first he was cautious walking on the driveway, he wouldn't walk fast and wouldn't walk over cracks, now he is okay with them as long as they aren't big uneven spots in the concrete.  Those he will stop at and grunt until you hold his hand and help him over them.  He still doesn't get himself up most of the time when he falls outside because he doesn't want to touch the ground (poor kid takes after his mom when it comes to dirt)
-loves to help vaccum and swiffer the floors, he takes it pretty seriously, so cute!
-is so smart, and understands so many things we say we are already spelling certain things out
-Loves Mickey Mouse but the perk is, he gets cuddly when it's on (my favorite)
-still loves his paci and burp cloths-in fact loves them more than ever
-getting so skinny, his chub is pretty much gone.  He is getting to be more like his dad each day.  No more rolls, (tear...)
-is so cute I can't get over it sometimes! 

He may have been a little extra difficult when he was an infant, but wow has God given us such a cute, active, healthy, funny, loving at times, smart, ham of a son.

Boy do we love him.  We just can't get enough!

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