Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Jones Family Christmas

I love, love, love this time of year!  We have got some decorations up this year but not too many.  Since getting the new house I wanted to go with new colors on the tree and for  the other decor so we went with red, gold, and brown.  Since  I changed from silver, I basically have to start over and didn't want to purchase everything this year so next year we will just have to add more to our decor.  For now what we have is fine.  Below is our tree and mantle.  I would love to put stockings on the mantle, but I'm thinking a certain little boy of mine would try to pull them down so maybe next year.  We also had our first fire last night in our new house.  It truly felt like the Christmas season, wrapping presents, listening to Christmas music and surrounded by Christmas lights and a warm fire!  I loved it!
Our first fire
 Below is our wrapping paper theme this year.  Every year I get really excited about picking out the following year's wrapping paper ( I get it a year ahead to that way I get at least 50% off).  Last year I picked red and it wouldn't be what I would pick out this year but I still like it.  I am amazed at how much my taste has changed in the last year or two!  I have begun wrapping but still have a lot to go.  Since I ordered so much online, now I just have to wait for all of it to come in so I can wrap it and get it under the tree. I can't wrap too many at a time, so this will work well for me anyways to do it as they come!  I had to start a little early this year because we already have Matthew's family Christmas this weekend so it got me motivated to shop early and had to wrap some early as well!

1 comment:

  1. I was just catching up on your blog but will only post one comment! The boys are so cute, it is so awesome watching our babies grow. I think the blog is a ton better than the baby books for seeing what they were doing at certain stages. Love your Christmas wrapping, so cute! I am pretty lazy with ours but I love seeing what other people do!



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