Saturday, November 19, 2011

Noah at 22 Months

I can't believe how big my little boy, (who is now the big boy) is getting!  Every day he is amazing us more and more.  Now a lot of people know Noah has  never been much of a talker, he didn't babble much when he was little and hasn't talked much until now.  I think in the last couple weeks he has really added a bunch of words/phrases to his vocabulary.  Every day it seems he has a new word or something he says to us.  So many times he looks at us and says something too and we just can't figure out what he's trying to say.  It makes me relieved to see him learning new words every day.  Part of me was concerned that he wasn't talking much so I'm glad to see it seems as if he's trying to make up some ground in that area.  I have always thought he was a smart kid, just quiet smart. 

Anyways well here are some things about our big boy at 22 months
Noah loves....
little things... any little things/ toys he loves to play with.  One day at a garage sale he wanted what looked like to me a box of junk, but ended up being these neat little magnetic tubes/balls that he plays with on a daily basis.  He has found a few other things in the house that they stick  too as well besides each other. 

loves his brother just doesn't know how to show it, usually his way is smothering him and trying to lay on him, but he has given Carson in his 2 1/2 month life more kisses, than he has ever given us

plays so well by himself nowadays it has been amazing to me, he will play in the living room, then his playroom for awhile and just be in his own little world.  It's good timing for this since we have Carson now that needs our attention as well

still thinks he is the boss, always telling us what to do/ and where he wants us to go either by pointing and doing his little grunt or grabs our clothes and tries to help us along

loves counting and doing colors- he can't count yet but he loves to put his finger on objects and move them to the next as we count.  The only number I know he knows is six and that is the only one he will ever say but on more than one occasion he has said it after I say 5 so I'm hoping he's learning just not vocalizing it

same with colors he will point to something and wait for us to tell us what color it is.  I know he knows his colors but right now the only one we can understand him saying is yellow.  I think that's his favorite color for now.  He always picks yellow things up first

knows his eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, hair, ears, arms, legs, fingers and toes and belly.  Tongue, belly, and fingers are his favorite right now.  It used to be ears but we have moved on, haha.
can make a mess in no time, every day our house is a wreck, the more I try to clean it seems the more messes he makes

Still keeps getting to be a better boy every day, he is starting to grow out of the screaming when people talk to him or come over stage.  (thankfully)  Every once in awhile he still does it but most of the time is okay with people being around

Loves jumping!

Has more energy than I could ever dream of having! 

I could go on and on about the things he now does and tell stories of all the funny times we had! Noah is one of a kind, we love our boys more than we ever could have imagined!  I would love to just freeze Noah in the stage he's out.  It's so neat so see them learing new things each day and he is such a fun kid to hang out with (most of the time)

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