Monday, December 12, 2011

These are the Moments

Lately, I just haven't had a lot of wonderful moments with my kids.   Noah had a nasty cold  for a bit, and was teething  so he wasn't his self for a little while and I think Carson could feel my tension with him and was crankier than normal as well.  I have just felt high strung and beat down for awhile now and feel like I have had 0 patience with them.  I have hated feeling like I just can't handle them lately. 

Then the weekend happened!  Friday night we had a wonderful evening out with the Sterchi's, dinner and the MercyMe concert, then Saturday I hung out with my sisters and the boys all day.  Saturday night we made crafts with Noah and then had movie night with the sisters and hubby!  Then yesterday Matthew and  I got to go shopping alone in Champaign without the boys.  It was such a nice day but I was ready to get home to our little men.  Last night I had a wonderful evening with both of them, I played with Carson before bed, gave him a bath then fed him and just cuddled with him after he fell asleep on my shoulder and just enjoyed my sweet sleeping boy.  Then I laid him down and came out to Mr. Noah who already had got a bath from dad and he did his normal mom-mom and hit  the couch to summon me over to sit by him (love it when he does this) and we cuddled on the couch and watched an episode of Jake then went to the playroom  to read books before his bedtime.  He has really been into books lately, and really seems to be taking everything in.  Then I got to tuck him in for the night.  Then the wonderfulness has continued today.  Noah has been an angel and we have played all morning with cars, trains, magnets, other toys and read a lot more books.  He has been super cuddly and pretended to get hurt so he could get some loving, I hugged him and sang to him for like 10 minutes (pretty unheard for him to just sit still and hug us for longer than 15 seconds).  It was great, I totally soaked that moment in.  Carson has been so good today too and has actually slept a lot which is the opposite of his normal 30 minute cat naps. 

It has been such a wonderful weekend of friends, family and great times with my boys, I very much needed this and am so thankful today for all the help we had this weekend with the boys while we got away and thankful for our two little wonderful blessings who have captured our hearts! 

Days like today make every diaper change struggle, the daily non stop mess of toys and baby items, lack of sleep, the tantrums, and crying all worth it!  Now I just need to read this on the bad days and remind myself, haha! 

1 comment:

  1. Those much needed mommy breaks happen at just the right time. Glad you had an awesome, refreshing weekend!



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