Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Big Boo Boo

This afternoon we had a scary little accident with Noah.  Matthew was out grilling some chicken and had put Noah on his mini swing in our backyard, then looked away to answer a question I asked and in 2 seconds Noah had fallen out before he even got a chance to buckle him in.  He fell flat on his face on the concrete and since he always has his tongue out of his mouth he bit really hard into it with his front teeth.  He didn't do anything for a few seconds then really started crying.  After Matthew saw all the blood coming out of his mouth he ran him in to me.  We took him right to the sink to try and figure out exactly what was bleeding and help stop it.  All of it was coming from his tongue which we really couldn't help.  It still just killed me seeing him and knowing that it hurt and there wasn't anything we could do.  After awhile we got him calmed down and got the chance to see his tongue.  Poor guy had some definite teeth marks, one side deeper than the other and a new bump on his forehead ( we had just got one on the other side the other day from falling on the driveway), and a big scrape on his chin.  I hate when they get hurt and it stinks because I know this won't be the last time over the next 18 years.  Seeing your child hurting is definitely the worse thing about being a parent!

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