Saturday, March 26, 2011

Our Big boy!

Wow, how I love the stage Noah is at right now but it makes me sad at the same time.  He just seems and looks so old lately. He is still seeming to learn something every day.  It never fails that I say something not expecting a reaction but instead I get one.  Yesterday I was going to start some laundry not knowing he knew what downstairs was, I said Noah let's go downstairs and he ran right over to the basement door.  I know he loves stairs but didn't really realize he knows where the door to ours is.  Things like this happen almost every day. 

Noah has been super into Mickey Mouse Clubhouse shows lately.  We don't have cable but we can watch episodes on  As soon as I say Mickey or he sees the website he just lights up with that big smile and little giggle.  So cute!   I love that I have something he loves to watch in desperate times ,but also wishes he didn't love it so much.  A lot of times he won't play and he just brings the keyboard to me, to put it on and grunts until I do so.  We are going to have to start limiting Mickey time  and just deal with the fits.  He does look so cute when he's watching and he gets pretty snuggly if you want to when he 's watching it.  So because of that I don't always mind, he has never been a cuddler and now he lets me do all I want when thats on.  It's amazing.  Sometimes he actually will try to get me to sit down so he can sit on my lap.  He thinks he is quite the boss these days he is always trying to push me up off the floor to get juice or push me out of a room when he wants me to go where he is, he thinks he knows how to get what he wants. 

Here are some pictures of him watching his favorite!

 Yesterday I was trying to do some dust mopping in all the bedrooms and he wanted it to so bad so after I was done I took the pad off of it and let him play with it.  It was so funny, he did it just like me, even tried to get under everything.  I think he is a lot like his mommy, he definitely doesn't like messes!

 Couldn't get this one to flip for some reason but had to show off he tongue, he is really concentrating, haha!

Watching Mickey again, he sat in here for the whole 24 minute episode and didn't want to get out.  I think it's time to get him his own chair! 

Not sure what we would do without this boy. 

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