Saturday, June 11, 2011

Noah at 17 Months

Can't believe one month from now Noah will be a 1 1/2 years.  Then soon after we he will be 20 months and Carson will be joining us here on the outside. 

Noah has been up to a lot lately

- He is all  boy, he loves throwing, pushing and knocking everything over and does it with a grunt!  We have been trying to work on what we throw and what we don't and what we throw things at.  Windows and fireplaces for instance are no no's.
-Still hates being told no, but has gotten better lately.  We have started some discipling so that has helped.  We have a very strong willed child on our hands!   
-Knows what trucks are, it's so cute he points at them and does his version of a vroom, vroom, it sounds more like a lion, but he tries.
-Loves dogs and cats and tries to say them but it sounds the same to me
The other day at dads it was so cute, the dogs were "playing " which he didn't understand but he was pointing at them telling them down because I'm assuming he thought they were fighting.  When they get to close to him he says down too, too funny.
-Is so weird about food, he's still pretty picky about what he eats and pretty much eats about the same thing every day but every so often he will do something that surprises us.  Last week he randomly grabbed a cherry tomato and loved it.  Ended up eating a bunch.  Then another day he grabbed a black olive off my plate and loved that.  He always likes things I don't expect for him to.  I look forward to the day where I can feel good about what he eats and feel like he eats balanced meals.  We still are pretty far from that! 
-Is trying to work himself down to one nap.  We have been off and on, some days he has 2 but this last week has been mostly 1.  I'm not quite ready for this, but can't do anything about it.  It sure does change our schedule though, so I'm going to have to do some adjusting. 
-Loves more shows that I'd like but now he is into Mickey still, Special Agent Oso, Jungle Junction, and Handy Manny.  We don't have cable so these are shows we can watch on for free! 
-Has switched to sippy cups without handles.  Took a few days but now we are onto big boy cups finally. 
-Loves, Loves things with wheels.  He all of a sudden started loving cars, trucks, trucks and things that wheeled around so I had to go out and get a few more for him to play with.
-Has the cutest happy dance, when he gets excited about something he gets this look on his face, and flaps his arms.  I just think it's the cutest.
-Says Hi all the time, pretty much everytime he sees someone he knows walk into the room.  The way he does it just makes me crack up.  He changes his voice and draws it out
-Is getting better with kisses, he still rarely gives them, but lets more people give him kisses by just leaning his head toward you, or giving you the side of his face.
-Loves his daddy so much and gets so cuddly with him. a lot of times when he picks him up he will just lay his head on his shoulder, so cute!
-Wants loving after he has gotten in trouble, he always comes over to you and wants to be held afterwards
-Loves playing on the furniture, especially our new stuff.  However it's too tall for him, so he can't get up himself. 
-Loves running from us and playing his version of hide and seek/peekaboo
-His laugh is changing, it's the cutest little boy laugh now instead of a baby giggle.  I love it but makes me sad too, he is just getting so big.
-Says down for everything, up,down, in, out,  I just can't get him to say up for anything
-Says his version of love you so cute, he gets excited and says love,love, love, love over and over and will give me hugs when he does it, pretty much melts my heart!
Talks a lot but not necessarily things we understand or real words. He still is a little smartie though. He has got way to much figured out for his age I think.  We still love him more than anything and sure enjoy time with our boy.  He is just so much fun to play with and that laugh makes all the bad and frustrating times worth it.  He is definitely getting more and more like a boy every day and less like a baby.  As much as  I hate it, it's good because I will need for him to grow up some more in the next few months to prepare for his little bro Carson.  We love you so much Noah!

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