Monday, February 18, 2013

Moving On!

What a year we have had so far in the sick department.  We were all healthy for the most part until right before the New Year, Carson got bronchialitis, then I got it, next Noah.   All healthy for a week or two then Carson got it again.  Everyone healthy again then Noah got chicken pox, then 2 days later Carson got the chicken pox and bronchialitis AGAIN!  Poor guy just couldn't get rid of it.  This last time they sent us to get a chest xray to make sure they weren't missing something boy was that fun taking a chicken pox kid in to get an xray while he was already cranky!  Everything turned up clear but they decided to put him on Prednisone liquid version for kids to try something a little stronger for him since he kept getting it back.  I will never unless it is absolutely necessary let him take that again.  For 4 days he pretty much screamed at me non-stop.    He would hang on my feet and scream like he wanted me, then I picked him up and he would try and push off me while screaming.  He hit, he clawed, he bit.  Needless to say it was the roughest 4 days of motherhood so far!  I'm surprised he still has a voice left.  It took me a few days to realize it was from the medicine, then I remembered how I felt on Prednisone and it made a lot more sense.  I felt so bad for Carson though because he got the chicken pox worse then Noah and had his other stuff going on on top of it.  Poor guy couldn't breathe, he wheezed so bad!  The important part it we have moved on, the medicine has wore off and I got my sweet little, fun loving boy back thank goodness!  Missed him so much!  It was only 4 days on the medicine but seemed like so much longer!  

Here are our chicken pox boys in jammies which they sported for pretty much an entire week.  Noah would put clean jammies on after his bath and keep them on until the next bath.  I wanted them to be as comfy as possible.  
Carson didn't want his picture taken and was trying to hide.  

This is how Carson really felt all last week.  (Sorry Carson had to include this one, will be sure to tell you how you acted this week when you are older!  )
Taking an oatmeal bath.  Carson absolutely hated baths while he had chicken pox.  Last night was the first time we got him to sit down without being forced to sit.  Got some good pictures of Noah's full body chicken pox but was just too busy during Carson's stint and this is the best we had.  His poor head was just covered!  
And Awww.. This is what we have been up to the last couple days.   Back to reality and sweetness.  Noah was reading books to Carson yesterday.  They have just been playing and interacting a lot together.  
This morning they were holding hands running around circles 
And back to making messes and getting into trouble together.  
I'm glad we have the chicken pox done and over with for good (hopefully).  They are all scabbed up and healing and hoping they won't end up with too many scars!  Honestly they weren't that bad to deal with, yes it was some extra work, oatmeal baths, anti-itch cream, lavender lotion, some extra whines, and I didn't get anything done for a week  but I did get in lots of extra cuddling and if it wouldn't have been for that darn prednisone we wouldn't of had those 4 awful days on top of chicken pox!

However, I'm glad to feel like we are back to our normal life.  I feel caught up somewhat.  They have been so happy and have blessed me so much the last few days with their playing, smiling, laughing, kisses, and funny talking.  

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