Friday, February 22, 2013

Name Calling

We have quite the name caller in our house right now.  I have no idea where kids get the idea to do this?  I'm sure he has picked it up from some older kids at daycare, church and other places he is around kids.  But in all seriousness we as adults don't walk around calling each other potty names so where do they get the ideas.  Noah  has been calling us poopy, stinky, stinky butt, baby,  cookie, coka( no idea what this is supposed to mean), toot, hippo, boba (another random), all sorts of food names and random toys as he plays with them.  I probably laughed at first and created a name calling monster.  Now he just thinks he is so darn funny and is always laughing at himself even if I give him that look. Thought about using soap as a punishment but seriously who has bar soap anymore?  There isn't any in this house.  I don't now how to stop this bad habit,  sometimes it seems like 20% of my day getting on his case for it.  I'll add it to my list of toddler isms I'm constantly working on!  Another one is getting the word stupid out of his vocab.  This is the kind of stuff they should of taught in college instead of so much other useless stuff I learned! This momma needs some help in the correction department!

I think this is why God made toddlers so cute and funny to make up for their frustrating orneriness!

1 comment:

  1. aldi has bar soap. we always have it because justin uses it, however this approach backfired on us. ian kept spitting. on the floor, on the carpet, on whatever he wanted. and everytime he spit, he had to bite the soap. we asked him what he wanted to eat for lunch one day and he said 'soap' - you can try to tell noah that potty words are for the potty and we only use them in the potty and then make him go in there and say them until they loose their luster. im talking 5-10 minutes of saying it over and over. other moms say it works... ive been keeping it on the backburner for when this happens to us

    good luck momma



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