Friday, September 2, 2011

Carson Robert Jones

Carson Robert Jones arrived into the world on Monday August 29th, 2011 at 11:29 a.m.  He weighed 6lbs 4oz and was 19 inches long!  I am still in shock that 1) he's here, I wanted to go early so bad but really didn't think I would and 2) that he was a 6lb baby.  Noah was 9lbs 3 oz so that is almost 3 lbs more, which is a lot in a baby.  We all thought Carson would be smaller but I was still guessing a small 8 pounder, I never would of guessed 6lbs.  I definetly have no complaints about his small size and that wonderful tiny head of his!  Anyways onto his birth story.

Monday morning I woke up like any other day and got ready for the day.  Normally on Mondays I have a meeting at work at 7 and was up and ready for it but Jill was out of town so I was going to have to bring Noah but he woke up late and was cranky so I decided just to stay home with him and so glad I did.  Matthew left about quarter til 7 and Noah and I were just sitting on the couch watching some Mickey when I started noticing some stronger than normal contractions.  I didn't think too much of them right away but noticed they seemed pretty timeable so I started to time them and sure enough they were about 7 minutes apart.  I kept waiting thinking maybe it was in my head, or false alarm or I won't say anything until my water breaks.  Well it had been an hour and a half and still pretty much 7 minutes apart.   I then started to make a few calls to Matthew to tell him something might be going on and to my mom to see what she thought.  Matthew told me I should probably figure out something for Noah in case I was going to have to go in.  I called my wonderful sister in law and asked if she would be around for the day to take care of Noah if I needed to go into the hospital.  She said sure so I felt better just knowing that I had somewhere for him if I was in labor.  Well in a short time I had pretty much decided these definetly were real and I was going to have to start getting things together and get a bag packed for Noah and myself (Carson's had already been packed).  Not long along after  I started to get a little panicked because I was afraid of being stuck out in Heartville with Noah and not having anyone too close so I asked Jen if we could just come to her house to wait until we went to the hospital.  Matthew's last patient of the morning was at 10:45 so originally I had thought I would wait around for him to get done so he could take me. 

I had so many thoughts/emotions going through my head.  With Noah I was induced so it was planned I knew the day before and had my house cleaned, everything caught up, and was ready for what was ahead.  I had been dying to have Carson, I desperately wanted to go early and have a different experience than I had with Noah but once it started I staretd to get a litle freaked out and decided maybe I wanted a planned birth where I was prepared again.  I had a little pep talk with Noah and cried because I knew it would be hard to leave him and be away for a few days.  As he played with toys I sat there and cried telling him how much we love him and that things were going to be different when I came home but remember we still love him just as much as always. 

Then we left for town, on our way in town the contractions were getting closer to 5 minutes apart.  By the time I got to Jen's I felt I probably should get to the hospital soon so I called my mom and asked if she would be able to take me so Matthew could just meet us there when he was finished with his patient.  Mom came pretty quick and we left right away for the hospital.  We got checked in and were up in the labor and delivery room by about 10:30.  Right away they had me change and got me hooked up to the heart rate monitor for baby and the contraction monitor.  Then shortly after she checked me and to our surprise said I was already about an 8 to 9.  I was shocked and had no idea I would of been that far along so I told my mom we better call the office and tell Matthew he should get here sooner thna later.  Contractions got stronger and stronger and closer together and I decided I wanted something for the pain but then  I got bad news I didn't expect "sorry you are too far along, there isn't anything we can give you now".  I was a little ticked but knew there was nothing I could do but just deal with it. 
Matthew got there shortly after mom called and before I knew it the doctor was on his way and I was ready to push.   My water still hadn't broke so she figured pushing would break my water and we would be even closer to having a baby well little did the nurse know that once my water broke baby was coming right behind.  Carson Jones was born before the doctor even got there, he was delivered by Matthew and our wonderful nurse only a short hour after we got checked in!  They put him on my stomach until doctor got there in a few minutes before they could do anything else with him.  And one more thing, Dr. Haller (my doctor, the only one I ever saw) is now off on Mondays (which I didn't know beforehand)  I would now have to have the on call doctor. Dr. Schultheis (sp).   So we officially didn't meet until after baby was bor\n, crazy! That's the eventful story of how Carson Jones entered the world a very different experience than we had with Noah.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! I love birth stories and this is a good one! Congrats on your baby boy!



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