Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What Noah's doing at 20 Months

Noah at 20 months is something else!  There isn't a perfect word to describe our big boy, so that's all I have.  He is all boy and a major character. 

-talks all the time now, we just have no idea what he is saying
-really interested in his new brother and likes being by him, even though it's a dangerous thing, we have to watch really close
-still doesn't eat any new foods... grrrr
-has the cutest laugh/giggle
-thinks he is the boss around our house.  All day he is pointing and telling me where to put Carson, or taking my hand and leading me where he wants me to go.
-has really started climbing on everything he can, coffee tables, chairs, his play table.  It's weird how all of a sudden he just started doing that
-loves playing with kids
-loves walks in his stroller lately, weird because we went through a phase where he screamed everytime you put him in one
-has been sleeping in later, perfect timing since we aren't getting much sleep with Carson
-loves stickers
-is getting very quirky.  He has to have everything just how he wants it.  A few examples
When he is with me and I get the mail (usually before we go somewhere so we are in the car) he points at it and grunts then I will give it to him and he puts some of it on each side of him in the car seat and leave it there until we get home
With fruit snacks, he will dump them out on the coffee table, throw away the bag, then eat all of them but 4 usually and those last 4 he will just keep in his hands for awhile until he decides its a good time to eat them
Every morning when I tell him it's time for breakfast he has to run in his playroom and get some trucks to bring to breakfast and has to arrange them a certain way on his tray. 
In the morning when we watch a show and he's drinking his juice or milk, once it's gone he will hand it to me to put on the coffee table, it can't go anywhere else but the same table every day
I'm sure there are a lot more things, just can't think of them right now.  He's just interesting to watch, you wonder what he is thinking when he does half of the things that he does!

Has been in love with the book Hungry Caterpillar the last few weeks, and has a favorite page that we have to do over and over and has a few other favorite books that we read daily (not sure if you can really call it that sometimes)

Still throws fits and definetly does things he shouldn't to get our attention but now he has a brother he's competing with.  I'm sure some of his new ornery behaviors are to be expected after bringing a new baby home.  We still love him more than ever and do our best to spend as much quality time with him as we can. 

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