Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Our Two Boys

Carson is now 3 weeks old.  Last week we got his newborn pictures taken.  The photographer did a great job.  I was kind of bummed Carson woke up after we changed him into his lil bro onesie and then we never could get him back to sleep so some of the pictures I had in mind we didn't get.  However she still got some great ones I love.  It was a challenge, pretty much we would have a pacifier in his mouth right up until she took each picture then I would take it out and she would hurry up and take it, then we would start all over getting him to calm down and take the paci so we could just take it back out. We took them at night which is usually a fussier period so we probably should have tried for a morning session but I wanted Matthew to be able to be there to help with Noah.  Also Noah is at an age where he just doesn't listen too well and didn't want to sit by Carson, so we opted for him holding him to get pictures together.  After we got this one we just quit trying and gave up on the idea.  Maybe when they get a little older we can try again to get some more pictures of them together.  For now I will just have to deal with separate ones! 

One of my favorites from the session
 Sweet little feet

When it comes to sleep there hasn't been too many good nights of sleep.  We have some nights that are better than others.  Some nights we can't get him to bed until really late and others he will decide to be up for hours in the middle of the night.  Most nights though we do get him to bed by 11 and then he's up about every 2 hours to eat.  He then usually takes a great long nap in the morning, which I would love to move up into the night where I could sleep along with him.  When you have a baby everyone says sleep when baby sleeps well when you have a 20 month old I can't exactly do that so I don't get to make up for my lost sleep at night during the day like I could with Noah.  It's okay we are making it and hoping he starts sleeping better soon.  Overall he seems to be a pretty good baby, but thinks whenever he's awake he needs to eat so we have started using a pacifier to hold him over until it's closer to a 2 hour stretch in between feedings. 

Our boys together. ....
So far Carson sleeps through his big brothers squeals and screams.  Thankfully!  Hoping this will make for a sound sleeper later on

Noah is very interested in Carson and has to know where he is.  Every morning when he wakes up and we bring him to the living room he will look for him.  Then when I change a diaper or an outfit Noah likes to be right by Carson and gives his version of a kiss or tries to grab his hand.  We have to  watch him closely though he doesn't get how gentle he has to be. He also likes to help him swing or bounce in the bouncer but tries to do it a little too hard.   There are also times though when he doesn't want to be close to Carson and doesn't want us to be either.  Sometimes when we are holding him he will say down and try to  pull him away or tell us to put him in something like the swing.  And one last thing. he thinks it's funny when Carson is really crying.  Overall Noah is doing better than I thought he would.  I'm proud of our big boy!  I think once Carson gets to the moving stsge Noah will really start to enjoy him even more.

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