Thursday, November 4, 2010

9 Month Well Baby Visit

Yesterday we had what was supposed to be Noah's 9 month WELL baby visit.  We had missed it a few weeks and rescheduled it which is why is much later than his actual 9 month birthday.  It couldn't have came at a more perfect time.  Noah has had quite a cold for a little while now and it just wasn't seeming to get better in fact from Monday to Wednesday it got much worse.  Tuesday night/Wednesday morning poor guy just couldn't sleep.  He was pretty much up from about 1:30 am to 6.  He might have slept about 20 minutes in there.  Then at 6 I fed him and decided to get in the shower.  I had tried everything so I thought he could just cry while I took a quick shower.  Well I got out of the shower and the little guy decided he would sleep now.  He stayed asleep until about 7:40.  Once he got up he wasn't his normal happy self instead he just wimpered and cried until his appt at 8:40.  We went to get in the Highlander and a light was left on the night before so it was dead, then I had to move his car seat to the other car (Matthew was out of town for a continuing ed class) while Noah threw a fit.  Then we made it to the doctor and thankfully didn't have to wait long or I might have lost it. Then in the room I was trying to talk to the doctor and Noah wanted her computer so he wouldn't quit squirming and crying since he wasn't getting it.  Well in the meantime he threw up all over me, him, and the chair.  I felt so bad and tried to clean everything up as much as possible.  After that she found that Noah had an ear infection! No wonder he couldnt' sleep and hasn't really wanted his bottles, poor guy was hurting.  She has put him on Amoxicillin (sp) now for 10 days so hopefully this will help him.  The rest of the day was on and off, he would play some and then get whiny.  I actually napped when he did, I very rarely ever nap with him but since we were up most of the night I needed it! He slept much better last night and his fever has seemed to come and go with the wearing off of the pain medicine, so I have been trying to make sure we've got him covered and make sure he has that when he needs it.  Today he spent the day with Nana Jill and wasn't a big napper so hopefully he will sleep good for us tonight!  I also had a much better day today until tonight when I'm a little overcome with stress over our massive to do list for this house!  I just want it to be ready to put on the market already!  I actual stopped from my painting to try and de-stress by writing this blog!  I must say it's working a little bit!

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