Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What Noah's doing at 10 Months

Noah is quite a character!

at 10 months he is:

-Crawling, yeah!! and getting so good at it fast.  This week he has really started to get into alot, but also plays good.  He loves playing with his cups, balls or other toys on the tile since they make a loud noise.  Now the cool part is he can go get them instead of sitting there grunting at me to get them.  I enjoy playing with him don't get me wrong, the game just isn't always fun.
-almost has 6 teeth, has 4 completely and 2 more that have just barely popped through on top
-Loves, loves table food.  Everytime we sit down to eat, I usually give him some of what we are having, he really got used to Thanksgiving dinners last week
-still doesn't sleep through the night!  Turd, I know
-Likes the first 5 minutes of the Veggie Tales Jonah movie, he will be so engrossed but at the same point every time you loose him and he could care less about it
-crawling all over me, or when he's on the floor and we are standing he has started grabbing our legs to get our attention to get him up
-still loves anything technology and knows the remote or wireless keyboard changes things on the TV, when you lift them up, he looks right at the TV and waits for it to do something different
-holds his own bottle most of the time, but it's not always the cleanest method
-got his first haircut, post and pictures to follow soon
-doesn't really say anything new- still the same ma-ma, da-da, na-na, this, hey (once in awhile) but da-da is definetly  his favorite.  He says it when he's happy, sad, mad,  just all the time!
-doesn't like getting his diaper changed, some days it's quite a struggle because all he wants to do is flip over and get on his knees
-pretty much hurts himself on a daily basis- I hate it but I don't think there is anything I could do besides not let him grow up.  He is such a little explorer.
-still waves but is a little stingy at doing it, sometimes you really have to work hard to get him to do it
-gives high fives
-we are working on blowing kisses or giving them but hasn't quite caught on yet.  I can't wait for the day when he gives me the first kiss, well it better be me anyway!
-loves itsy bitsy spider
-loves his da-da, somedays he is really a daddy's boy.  I just love to see them together

and getting smarter and smarter each day.  Couldn't love him any more unless maybe he slept through the night, at least sometimes!

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