Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Carson at 8 Months Old

I can't believe my little baby is already 8 months, before I know it we will be planning his first birthday party, CRAZY!!

At 8 months Carson is,

- still in size 3 diapers, but can also wear Noah's size 4 if we accidentally put them on him
-wearing 9 and 12 months clothing, depends on what it is
-is down to 4 bottles a day, and mostly done with them at night
-still not sleeping through the night
-has 1 tooth, it's still only about halfway up, it is the slowest tooth I have ever seen
-is so close to crawling but usually when he is on his knees he drops down to his belly
-even though he can't crawl, he is quite a mover, he goes in circles when he sits and on his belly, rolls a lot better now, and loves to try and climb on things.  He is always climbing all over me
-loves the baby snack puffs, Noah hated them so it's nice to have something to hold him over with when we need it
-doesn't so much love his walker or jumperoo anymore.  Sometimes he does fine in them, but others it just really makes him mad.
-has a favorite corner of the playroom.  Some days I can put him in this one spot and he will play there for quite awhile by himself.  (quite awhile in terms with him, is like 15 minutes, haha)
-is always reaching for everything and really fast at it
-is overall a pretty happy baby, just likes attention!
-always has the driest cheeks, not baby soft at all
-is a much better eater than Noah, thankfully!
-has the funniest smile he does a lot where he doesn't open his mouth, it's all with his lips
-is getting lots of hair, it's starting to go over the ears but definitely lays down better than Noah's ever did

Carson you can be such a lover sometimes and you get plenty of kisses because of it!  I love watching you get more mobile every day and explore everything you can get your hands on.  I love your kisses when you give them out, we were on a roll for a few days but since we have been back I haven't gotten any so you need to catch up on them, I miss them! Now if we only could get you to sleep through the night buddy, we would be so happy.  We love you anyway whether you get us up or night!  You are one special little boy, and we can't wait to see your personality come out more and more as you grow!  Love you Carson!

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