Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I've wanted to change the way my family eats for quite some time now.
I've wanted to, I have thought about it alot, but there hasn't actually been much action.    Why no action?

It's overwhelming, I don't even know where to start!  Does anyone have this feeling when making food choices for their family?  I feel guilty when buying processed foods but it's what I feel our society today has ever known.  We know how to make food quickly but not necessarily healthy.  Well I'm ready now, ready to make a change.

The turning point was a few weekends ago, we watched (well I watched part and fell asleep during both) Food Inc and Knives over Forks.  They both have different spins to them and to what areas of food they focus on.  Now after watching  them I have Matthew on board too!  We were watching one which basically kind of pushes a vegan diet, (which wouldn't bother me, I've never been a big meat person)  and  I turned to Matthew and said "so are we going to become vegans after this?" His response, "um no not completely"  in a voice that knew he couldn't give up all meat.

I know it's not going to happen overnight, it's hard changing a lifestyle but I do know some places we are going to start.

-Eat less meat  (especially red meat) and more fruits and veggies

-Cut down on white rice and pasta, I bought brown rice and whole wheat pasta this week.   I saw on pinterest how to make a bunch of brown rice and freeze it so you have it ready and it just needs heated up instead of taking so long each time you make it.  Super excited about that find!

-No more cream soups.   I have so many recipes that I have always used that use cream of something or another and  I know this winter will be challenging but I really want to ban those from our house

-Make more homemade healthy snacks, thanks to pinterest this shouldn't be too hard.  Instead of store bought I want to make more of my own cookies, granola bars and similar snacks with healthier, more natural ingredients.  Matthew is a snacker especially at night so I'm still going to have to have something for him to munch on and of course I'm going to need some on occasion as well.

-Buy organic when possible, living in Effingham we don't have as many options as other places and also the budget may not always allow for it !  Want to have a mega garden next year if we can figure out a place to put one.

I would truly love to live a completely clean diet, but  I know it takes time, money, and big steps.  I'm hoping over the next few months we can make some big strides to be a healthier eating family.   I want to do it for my kids, for us, our health, and our futures!  Wish us luck!

If anyone has meal ideas or suggestions we would love to know what other families are doing to eat healthy!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! We have switched to this in the past few months. Chicken and fish, whole grains, fruits and veggies. The kids do eat some processed stuff still since they are picky but they love the fruits and veggies. You won't regret it!



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