Thursday, August 23, 2012


My boys make messes.  Period.  And plenty of them.  
I have to tell myself that daily, that it's built into their genes.  They are kids, it's just what they do.  And someday when they are gone, I will miss them making messes.  (that may be a stretch but that's what people tell me anyway)

This morning they emptied kitchen cabinets, demolished the playroom (Noah thought everything needed to be emptied out.  Didn't want to play with anything just took everything from it's home to the floor), messed with TP in both bathrooms, emptied drawers in my bathroom, took all the shoes off the shelves in their closet, threw pillows off my bed after it was made more than once, threw food on the floor, spilt milk,  threw toys down the steps, and the list could go on.  No matter what I do, some area of our house is a mess every day.  And every day I'm working on dealing with it. Now that Carson feeds himself I could literally clean my floor every day.  It always needs it but I'm learning to let go a little.  To keep my sanity, I have to.  

Carson is obsessed with the trash can.  He moves it all over, he dumps it over, he takes the lid off.  Yeah it's gross!

 Carson is also obsessed with the toilet and he can lift the lid.  Noah wouldn't ever touch it if the lid was down.  Nope, not Carson, he can lift the lid no problem.  He also loves the bathroom trash, and the toilet bowl cleaning system.  Notice in the picture below, not only is there toilet paper on the floor (pretty much a daily occurence) but the bathroom trash and toilet bowl cleaning stuff is up high.  It no longer gets it old home on the floor because I can't be everywhere, all the time.  Every day I walk into my bathroom and get annoyed.  It never feels clean without everything in it's spot, but hey that's life.  

If I ever get to unroll my own toilet paper for the first time off a roll, it may be a small miracle.  If it's not off the roll, then it's a roll that's been wound back up after an incident like this.  

Even though they make messes, I'm still so blessed to have them in our lives.  What would I do if I didn't have to clean up after them all the time and get the chance to look into these sweet little faces of theirs?

These boys are my life!  Adorable, fun, and messy.  Gotta take it all!   


  1. Jen! You've got to start closing doors! Revolutionized my life I'm telling ya. That way they only have the main areas of the house to destroy. I hate having them all closed but I hate refolding clothes or digging things out of the toilet more. Saves lots of cleaning up.

  2. Your boys are absolutely adorable... The smiles make my day!



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