Thursday, August 16, 2012


This picture has nothing to do with this post but cute side story.  The other day Noah insisted on watching TV after his bath with all of this on his lap.  He pretty much wanted his whole train set with him.  Silly boy.

Anyways a few weeks ago we had a really good storm with lots of thunder, lightning and finally some rain.  It went on and on thunder and lightning for well over an hour and for some reason the boys were terrified.  Maybe it was because it had been so long since they had heard/seen a storm, I really don't know.  It also didn't help that the power kept going out either.  After bath all Carson wanted to do was cuddle up on my chest and did that without moving until he fell asleep (never had this ever happened before, Carson is almost always on the go) then Noah wanted to do the same and sat on my lap and watched TV until HE decided to go to bed which was before his normal time.  But after a big loud thunder he covered his eyes and asked to go night night.  I took him in there, and to my surprise he went right to sleep.  

However, ever since that night, Noah has been scared of the dark.  We have either had to put a nightlight or leave his bedroom door open so it's not so dark.  Matthew hasn't wanted them to have a nightlight (it could cause problems with kids eyes, some studies show) so we have mostly always had their room dark, but lately that hasn't worked for Noah.  We were leaving the door open, then once Noah went to sleep we would shut it and it would be dark again.  Then the other night, Noah woke up 4  times in the middle of the night crying because his room was dark and he wanted light so I at 4am put in the nightlight and decided we were going to have to try that again for awhile.  I'm not starting this getting up stuff again, it hasn't been that long yet since we started getting to sleep.  It has just been so weird though, because never before did he care and ever since the storm, something happened and now he's scared of the dark.  

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