Wednesday, August 29, 2012

New Blankie

Saturday while at Wal-Mart, I was in the fabric section.  Noah saw some Thomas fabric and wanted to hold it so I thought why not make him a blanket.  It will be fun and something he will like so I had the lady cut the fabric and found some dark blue to match the printed Thomas fabric we found.   He was way more happy/excited about it then I ever imagined he would.  He loves trains and he loves even more Thomas the Train ( I still have yet to figure out why kids like him so much.  I think the show is so boring and weird).  Throughout Walmart he just sat in the cart and held onto his fabric.  We saw my mom in there and Noah told her "Noah so excited".  I couldn't get over how much he just loved to hold the stuff.  Well then when we got home he told me he wanted to go night night, I'm guessing so he could sleep with it.  I told him we needed to eat lunch first and then he could nap with Thomas.  When it was time for nap, he didn't want his covers of course we had to use Thomas because Thomas "so soft".  Then when he woke up he carried it around and we had to run an errand and Thomas had to go as well.  I was just amazed at how a blanket, or still fabric at this point(something I wouldn't think a 2 1/2 year old would care about) was his favorite thing all day and that was all he wanted.  Since Saturday he has relaxed a bit about his fabric and we actually finally made it into a blanket last night.  He has still been taking naps and going to bed with it but at least it has been staying in his room and hasn't been a permanent piece attached to him anymore.  I never thought I would say this but I actually have been contemplating giving him a character room/ theme someday.   I never thought I would but to see the joy he got from that fabric really makes me not care about having a cutesy room for  them and having something they really like instead.  Love  this boy's smile!  He kills me with it sometimes.  Even worse, earlier today he just looked me in the eye and said "Noah like mommy", and gave me a kiss talk about a melt my heart kind of moment!  I'm going to be in trouble someday, these boys already have me figured out!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were able to get the blanket made haha. He's so cute.



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