This afternoon I took Noah swimming out at dad's pool with Aunt Randi and one of her friends and her 2 children. The last time we put Noah in water besides at bathtime was in the ocean and that was a little stressful for me. I much prefer pools for them at this age. I figured he would be okay in the water today but he liked it more than I thought. We weren't in too long because nothing entertains him that long and he was ready for a nap anyway. We made it about 20 minutes though and he was happy for all of that. At first when I put him in his little water floaty, he wanted to sit up and lean on the front of it. He kept trying to kick his feet. It was cute, it was like he was trying to swim already. We will have to go out there more often and maybe he will start to last longer each time. He wasn't a big splasher though which surprised me since he is always moving his arms. He just leaned forward so he couldn't reach the water in front of him anyway.
hes so cute! i love his facial expressions