The adorable jeans I found at The Children's Place. I love them.. They look just like big boy jeans. The picture isn't as good but they are a little darker, have a faded look, and have some wear and tear to them, just like his dad's.
The romper that would have been in the pictures had it not been too big! Bummer!

Special Edition diapers I found at Target
Special Edition diapers I found at Target
Tonight we had planned to get Noah's 6 month pictures taken. I had planned to go to Champaign for the day which probably was a bad idea since we were already starting Noah's day off different. Well he got all off schedule and I knew he was tired so I tried to put him down about 4 so he could get a little nap in before the pictures. Well that failed.. He laid in there for about 40 minutes, rolling around, talking and than was done being in there. I got him out since it was picture time in about 15 minutes anyway. I hurry up and fed him some carrots so he wouldn't be hungry and thought we would be okay. Wrong! He was a crankster and never wanted to be left sitting alone. I had so many ideas and things that I wanted in mind and had some outfits planned and it just seemed like everything went wrong.
First I had him in a white button up and the cutest baby jeans. Well we tried taking a few pictures and it just wasn't working so I thought if maybe we took his clothes off he might be happier so we took him down to his diaper and then that outfit never got put back on since I didn't want to make him any more mad. Well then I had got this adorable outfit from Baby Gap.. I love love love it, well it was 6-12 months, which Noah wears a bunch of, well this particular outfit was way too big so it just looked dumb. So we took that off and on the spur of the moment I picked out another outfit instead which wasn't my favorite necessarily just something I picked up quickly. Then I also had got these special edition printed diapers from Target just for pictures. They are about twice as expensive so he would never wear these on a daily basis. Once again, even in that he wouldn't cooperate so we didn't get many poses where you could see the diapers.
All in all I have learned a few lessons.. Stay home on pictures days so Noah can stay on his schedule and I can control his naps better. Second have your vocal chords ready because Matthew and I really had to pull out all the happy tricks. I have never fake sneezed or made animal noises more than I did tonight.
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