Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sick Baby Boy

This last weekend, wasn't any fun at all.  Noah on Thursday and Friday couldn't seem to keep much food down.  He had been getting sick after each meal.  Well since we have a past of doing that a lot after meals I really didn't think too much of it.  He was still playing pretty well so I didn't think he was sick.  Well Friday night he woke up in the middle of the night (definitely not abnormal either) Matthew was still up so he went in there.  Shortly after I heard him continue to cry and went in there to check.  Matthew told me he was burning up and I felt him. He sure was so we got out the thermometer to check and his temp was up to 103.  I was a little freaked out now, Noah never really runs a fever, not during teething, and never with anything else he has had.  I went to get him a drink, some Tylenol  and tried to put a cool washcloth on him, which he wouldn't let stay on there.  We took turns rocking him and we could now hear him starting to wheeze.  Well he was up on and off for the rest of the night and the next morning, he was definitely not any better, except for the fever wasn't as high.  I was a little worried and Matthew was as well.

Since it was Saturday our doctors office wasn't open so we took him to Prompt Care.  They didn't have an actual doctor working that day, instead there was a nurse practitioner.  She listened to him and said boy he sure is wheezing and we attempted a breathing treatment which didn't go well and she told me it's okay and we quit.  She then prescribed an antibiotic and off we went.  Well all through Saturday, and Sunday he still was miserable, wasn't sleeping at all, fever was up and down but never up to 103 again, coughing and then crying so hard afterwards because something was hurting and wheezing so loud!  It was so sad.  I felt AWFUL!  I hated not being able to help him.  I did get lots of cuddling in.  He hardly wanted to play at all and just layed around a lot, very unlike my son.

Well after Monday going by as well and he still hadn't slept much and his antibiotic was only to be taken for 3 days so we were done with that and all the symptoms were still there, so we called his actual doctor today.  They got him in this morning so  Jill took him and I left work to meet her there and we got in pretty quick thankfully!  The nurse practitioner came in and thought he sounded awful right away considering you could hear him from a distance.  Once the doctor came in she listened and decided to try some breathing treatments.  We had to do them while we were there with her checking him in between.  He absolutely hates them.  It's awful, he screamed almost the entire time and we pretty much had to hold all his extremities down.  Poor guy was a red, sweaty mess afterwards from getting all worked up.Bad news was she wants us to continue the breathing treatments every 3-4 hours which I can barely stand to do since he hates them so much.  Then  she also decided to still put him on a steroid to help kick this faster since he has something pretty bad.  Out of all things it was Prednisone, which I absolutely hate since I was on and off that for years with my hives and hated the side effects.

Well anyways after getting the breathing treatments and the Prednisone we had a different boy this afternoon and tonight.  He was just plain goofy!  Still wheezing some but playing great, took a great nap for his Nana Jill this afternoon too which he hasn't done in days.  Poor guy hasn't been able to sleep since he couldn't breathe.    I have never seen him act so weird, I think maybe the medicine has made him a little loopy.  None the less it was so great to see him, smiling, laughing and playing with us again.  I have missed that these last few days and have hated seeing him feel so awful!  I'm hoping tonight we can all get a great nights sleep because tomorrow is a busy day and we have to go back to the doctor again tomorrow so she can recheck them.  We are definitely ready to move on from this!

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