Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Doctors Visit
Today I took Noah in to the doctor. I knew he was sick and figured it was probably just a cold but yesterday and this morning he wasn't really eating to much and half of his bottles he just threw back up. I just knew I would feel better if he went to the doctor so we got him in this morning. The doctor checked everything and his ears were good, chest was good so just a cold, she figured maybe just swallowing all the mucus was causing him to throw most of his bottles back up. Anyways the rest of the day we gave him Tylenol and he took an extra nap tonight. I woke him up after awhile because I wanted him to get up play and take a bath before he went down for the night. He wasn't a fan of that but finally got awake and then we had a hard time getting him back to bed tonight, so I probably just should of left him. It stinks so much when babies are sick and especially since Noah isn't a cuddler, not even when he's sick. Hopefully our next one will be a cuddler, I'm due for one. I'm praying he gets better ASAP since he's also teething and has another tooth that is right at the surface so I'm sure that is bothering him as well, poor guy! Today at the doctor Noah weighed 22.10 and the last time I weighed him he was 22.4 on the 11th, so he has gained a little in a few weeks but not much. Well I'm off to bed need to get an early start in case we (not sure why I say we, I mean me) are up a lot this evening like the last couple.
What Noah's doing at 8 months
Oh, I just can't get enough of that smile!
Our little boy acts and seems so big this last month!
At 8 months Noah
has 2 teeth and one on top that will most likely break through any day
says da-da, ma-ma, and na-na
says an occasional hey
seems to get the idea of waving, but I'm still not sure if he's doing or he is just happening to flap his arms at the right moment
still isn't crawling forward but moves around in circles and went backwards the other day for the first time, but this sure doesn't stop him from moving around through he can still get places
loves when you hold his arms and let him try and walk, he gets better and better each week
He loves doing anything he thinks is big
we had almost 2 weeks of sleeping through the night or at least until 4:30, boy was it nice but this last week we have been back to getting up multiple times (this week he has been sick and teething so I haven't played hard mommy) hopefully we will go back to that, Some mornings I would just stay up after 4:30 or 5 because I always felt good after sleeping at least 6 hours straight! Amazing how that is so much better then 8 hours with getting up a few times
tries to pull himself up on certain things
loves, loves his sippy cup, he likes to drink it and chew on it. We were having to lay him down when we gave it to him or prop him up somehow but last week all of a sudden he started being able to do it sitting up, it's so funny how he thows his head back to drink it. It's a little exaggerated, but so cute none the less
wears at least 12 months size clothing, I have been so glad that it's been cooler because we had a bunch of 12 month winter waiting for him and once he got into that size this summer I couldn't find any summer in that size so we had very slim pickens.
has really learned how to through a pretty good fit, he definetly wants what he wants
has the craziest hair, its getting so long but still so fine, I can wet it down and gel it but by the afternoon it has still found a way to end up sticking straight up
is very ticklish in certain spots, anytime I want to hear the best sound in the world I tickle him. I just love his deep belly laugh, so CUTE!!
loves music, sometimes when it's loud he will try and sing too. We love it!
has such a personality, He is truly growing up into a little boy. How fast these last 8 1/2 months have gone by! Even though things get stressful I really try and enjoy the time I have with him, I know he will be going to school before I know it. Love him more and more every day even when he can be a little stink. That smile he gives you just makes everything worth it no matter what!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
I hadn't planned on going to any garage sales yesterday but it was weird how it seemed like this was the one week I should have looked online to see if there were any good ones. I got a couple calls throughout the day from different people telling me about some. I didn't get to go to the early one I called about but around noon one of my aunts called to let me know about her neighbors who had a bunch of baby stuff and clothes. I didn't get there until after 12 I was sure everything would be gone but to my surprise they still had lots of big things left. I had picked up a few clothes and looked at the toys. I looked at this Fisher Price bounce and spin pony and thought about getting it but didn't. I left and the whole way home all I could think about was how I wanted to go back and get the pony. Noah was really needing to get home to eat and go down for a nap so I waited until Matthew got home. Once he got here I told him I was going to go back and get the horse for Noah for one of his Christmas presents.
Here is a picture, it bounces and then it can be plugged into the T.V and somehow you can play games and it is supposed to have some learning things you can do as well. We will have to figure that out later, I don't think we will need that part for awhile yet though.
Once I got there I grabbed the horse and just started looking around again and noticed this Little Tikes mini swingset. Noah loves to swing and I have been meaning to get him one for the tree but all I have ever seen is pink ones I didn't want a pink one for our manly little boy. I kept staring at it and thought it would be so nice to have something outside for him since he loves being outside so I told them I will take it but I have to get it to fit in the Highlander. I collapsed the back seat and got it flat, moved Noah's car seat to the front and we got in there, it was a close one though. I didn't realize how much that Highlander could hold, I was quite impressed. The whole drive home I was just so excited that I just bought it I couldn't wait to see Noah in it but knew Matthew would be quite surprised when I got home with it. But anyways once we got home while Matthew played with Noah I got it all sprayed and dried off and was ready for Noah to see his new swingset. Now his nap was only about 45 minutes so he wasn't really ready to play he was still quite cranky, so he wasn't as happy as I think he will be next time I take him out. But here are some pictures I managed to get of him not whining.
Finally got a smile, I had to work quite hard for this!
Not quite sure what to think about the slide yet.
Here is a picture, it bounces and then it can be plugged into the T.V and somehow you can play games and it is supposed to have some learning things you can do as well. We will have to figure that out later, I don't think we will need that part for awhile yet though.
Once I got there I grabbed the horse and just started looking around again and noticed this Little Tikes mini swingset. Noah loves to swing and I have been meaning to get him one for the tree but all I have ever seen is pink ones I didn't want a pink one for our manly little boy. I kept staring at it and thought it would be so nice to have something outside for him since he loves being outside so I told them I will take it but I have to get it to fit in the Highlander. I collapsed the back seat and got it flat, moved Noah's car seat to the front and we got in there, it was a close one though. I didn't realize how much that Highlander could hold, I was quite impressed. The whole drive home I was just so excited that I just bought it I couldn't wait to see Noah in it but knew Matthew would be quite surprised when I got home with it. But anyways once we got home while Matthew played with Noah I got it all sprayed and dried off and was ready for Noah to see his new swingset. Now his nap was only about 45 minutes so he wasn't really ready to play he was still quite cranky, so he wasn't as happy as I think he will be next time I take him out. But here are some pictures I managed to get of him not whining.
Not quite sure what to think about the slide yet.
Loved spinning the wheel!
After we played for a little bit I put him down to see if he would nap again, he went right to sleep. I knew he wasn't ready to get up yet. So cute still when he sleeps, just makes you want to jump in there and cuddle with him!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
So Smart
Last night Matthew put Noah to bed. Now Matthew has been wanting to start putting him to bed without the sound machine because he wants him to get used to falling asleep in the dark without noise. I think it's a good idea the earlier we can get him to do it the better. So anyways I had started cleaning bathrooms and was in the one right by him room, when I started to hear some banging. This happens a lot, more often once he wakes up. He really enjoys kicking he crib and occasionally hits the crib toy with his feet. Well it just went on and on and got louder and louder. Matthew asked is that him, I said yes you can tell he is hitting or kicking at the crib toy. He laughed and we just continued to listen. Not to long after we realized we heard music. Music that sounded just like his crib toy. Yea, he turned it on himself somehow. I'm not sure if he got it with his feet or his hands but he managed to turn it on this time. Still not sure if he meant to do it or was just playing with it. I have no doubt in my mind that he knows how though, he has watched us multiple times each day turn it on and he has learned so much lately. So whether it was intentional or just happened to happen I'm going to believe our little boy is just smart, haha. We love him so much, he adds so much to our day. Matthew is home with us today and as I'm writing this he was just laying on the floor playing with toys and laughing and them completely entertaining himself.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Big Boy
Noah is at the stage where he just loves to do big boy stuff. He loves when you hold his arms and let him take steps. He loves standing up too. I put him in his crib one day and he was locking his legs and didn't want to sit so I let him stay against the ledge. We still have the crib mattress all the way up so he is a lot taller than he should be for this level, but without me he never stands up, we still haven't come in to his room and found him sitting yet either. We will have to move his matress down but I think he will be okay for awhile yet.
Couldn't help but taking a picture of our little man looking so big!
Can't get enough of that smile!!
I got this drum out a while ago but he didn't have much interest in it. I got it out again and showed him how you do it. He was actually hitting it and getting it to go off, but I'm still not sure if he realized that is what you were supposed to do or it was just coincidence. Either way it was cute!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Katie's #1 Little Fan
Noah's Aunt Katie plays volleyball for the Hearts and his grandma Shelley thought he needed a shirt to cheer on his aunt. This is the best picture we got of the shirt so I just decided to take a picture of just the shirt later on the night of the game. Noah truly does like to watch volleyball. I think his favorite part is the music they warm up to. Then sometimes he will watch the ball, and watch everyone clapping but mostly I think he just likes being somewhere besides home sometimes. When the buzzer goes off he usually jumps but it doesn't seem to bother him. All the games that we have went to he has also filled his pants, so I don't know what about the game relaxes him but it's been quite humorous!
The front of the shirt
Back of the shirt
Friday, September 17, 2010
Yesterday was rough!
It's like 5:30 in the morning, Noah woke up at 4:45 wanting a bottle so I fed him while I was trying not to scratch the many hives I have this morning. I had been feeling them in my sleep and probably tossed and turned for the last couple hours. I remember doing this, why I didn't get up and take some medicine, not sure, mostly likely because I'm tired. Well anyways after I fed Noah I just decided to stay up, take a shower, and try to get these things over with as soon as possible. Hot showers make them worse but then they usually go away faster. So I took medicine and am sitting here trying to keep my hands busy so that I can't scratch. There could be many reasons or causes of the hives this morning.
Yesterday I kind of had to go backwards and put my health above this hive elimation diet. Wednesday night I was really tired, my body was just wore out and I started to get lightheaded every time I moved too fast. Not a good sign. I made eggs last night because I felt like I needed some protein or something besides fruit. Well I started to get a few hives on my face, nothing major but I took medicine anyway and went to bed a little early. The cause of those hard telling. It was still only 3 days in so it still could have been something in my system.
Well I got a nice surprise yesterday, I woke up when Noah did for a bottle at about 4:30. As I was feeding him I thought what is wrong with me. I was sweating, shaking, my heart was hurting. I just knew I didn't feel right. I laid back down in bed and told Matthew I don't feel right. We both just tried to fall back asleep. Just a few minutes after, I made a dash for the bathroom. I threw up, mostly liquids. I yelled for Matthew who got me a drink and told me I needed to eat something. I have never thrown up and then have my mouth and throat burn. (I'm guessing from stomach acid or something) He then went in the kitchen and peeled an apple for me to eat and got me some water. Now if you know anything about Matthew, you know he's not a morning person so for him to do that for me, means a lot. I tried to drink as much water as I could and eat the peeled apple from our tree. He had picked them and cleaned them real good for me the day before. He thought they would be better for me to eat than the stores since we know these weren't sprayed and I still haven't ruled out pesticides. Not long after I ate the apple it came right back up. Matthew then was like okay I know you don't want crackers but you have got to eat something. So I forgot about my hive diet, and ate some crackers well not long after, those came back as well. I was kind of worried then because crackers usually aren't a hard thing to keep down. I felt a little better though after I drank some more water and made it back to bed. I stayed there until about 7:20 when Noah woke up. I had asked Jill if I could take him a few minutes early so I could get ready for work faster. I usually have him there by 7:45 so it wasn't much earlier. I brought him and then came home to get ready for work. I called Nathan on the way to see what he had to say about what was going on. He told me I was probably just really dehydrated and needed to get some fluids down. He told me if I didn't keep them down by 12 to go the ER. Well on the way to work I picked up a water bottle and some Gatorade (another thing with lots of ingredients). All day I little by little drank more water and Gatorade. After lunch I left work to go home and get some rest my legs had really been hurting all morning no matter if I sat or stood I guess another characteristic of dehydration. I pretty much slept all afternoon. Jill had came by sometime during that time and brought some Pedialyte (more ingredients) I tried to drink some of that, definetly not my favorite beverage, eww.. But I knew I needed it. Once I woke up I felt better and throughout the evening I drank more Gatorade and lots of crackers.
Now as I sit here with lots of hives, who knows what these are from, the stress of yesterday? something in the Gatorade or Pedialyte or something in the crackers? It's day 5 today and sadly enough I'm not any closer. However I didn't want to end up in the hospital so I guess we will not start over but just try to stick to natural things again until these are gone for the next few days. I wish I knew it for sure was from something I ate yesterday than it would make it easier going forward, but I can't even be sure of that. This is going to be a long journey. I'm praying I can stick with it and finally get these figured out.
Yesterday I kind of had to go backwards and put my health above this hive elimation diet. Wednesday night I was really tired, my body was just wore out and I started to get lightheaded every time I moved too fast. Not a good sign. I made eggs last night because I felt like I needed some protein or something besides fruit. Well I started to get a few hives on my face, nothing major but I took medicine anyway and went to bed a little early. The cause of those hard telling. It was still only 3 days in so it still could have been something in my system.
Well I got a nice surprise yesterday, I woke up when Noah did for a bottle at about 4:30. As I was feeding him I thought what is wrong with me. I was sweating, shaking, my heart was hurting. I just knew I didn't feel right. I laid back down in bed and told Matthew I don't feel right. We both just tried to fall back asleep. Just a few minutes after, I made a dash for the bathroom. I threw up, mostly liquids. I yelled for Matthew who got me a drink and told me I needed to eat something. I have never thrown up and then have my mouth and throat burn. (I'm guessing from stomach acid or something) He then went in the kitchen and peeled an apple for me to eat and got me some water. Now if you know anything about Matthew, you know he's not a morning person so for him to do that for me, means a lot. I tried to drink as much water as I could and eat the peeled apple from our tree. He had picked them and cleaned them real good for me the day before. He thought they would be better for me to eat than the stores since we know these weren't sprayed and I still haven't ruled out pesticides. Not long after I ate the apple it came right back up. Matthew then was like okay I know you don't want crackers but you have got to eat something. So I forgot about my hive diet, and ate some crackers well not long after, those came back as well. I was kind of worried then because crackers usually aren't a hard thing to keep down. I felt a little better though after I drank some more water and made it back to bed. I stayed there until about 7:20 when Noah woke up. I had asked Jill if I could take him a few minutes early so I could get ready for work faster. I usually have him there by 7:45 so it wasn't much earlier. I brought him and then came home to get ready for work. I called Nathan on the way to see what he had to say about what was going on. He told me I was probably just really dehydrated and needed to get some fluids down. He told me if I didn't keep them down by 12 to go the ER. Well on the way to work I picked up a water bottle and some Gatorade (another thing with lots of ingredients). All day I little by little drank more water and Gatorade. After lunch I left work to go home and get some rest my legs had really been hurting all morning no matter if I sat or stood I guess another characteristic of dehydration. I pretty much slept all afternoon. Jill had came by sometime during that time and brought some Pedialyte (more ingredients) I tried to drink some of that, definetly not my favorite beverage, eww.. But I knew I needed it. Once I woke up I felt better and throughout the evening I drank more Gatorade and lots of crackers.
Now as I sit here with lots of hives, who knows what these are from, the stress of yesterday? something in the Gatorade or Pedialyte or something in the crackers? It's day 5 today and sadly enough I'm not any closer. However I didn't want to end up in the hospital so I guess we will not start over but just try to stick to natural things again until these are gone for the next few days. I wish I knew it for sure was from something I ate yesterday than it would make it easier going forward, but I can't even be sure of that. This is going to be a long journey. I'm praying I can stick with it and finally get these figured out.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Hooded Towels
I have been wanting to make some of these for so long. Finally today I did it. I was up super early this morning and started doing some sewing prep work so that they would be ready to sew during Noah's morning nap. Everything didn't work out quite they way I wanted but I still got them done in the afternoon. They were actually really easy. I'm sure I will be making more, I enjoyed doing them! I would like to try doing some different stuff with them but I will have to wait until I know someone that needs one because Noah really doesn't need anymore now! I didn't really know how to fold them so you could see so sorry they are weird pictures. If anyone else wants to try them I used the tutorial from this blog,
Very easy instructions with pictures for each step
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
1 Day Down
Yesterday I started it, the stupid hive diet thing again. I haven't done this in years but I'm desperate. Years ago one of the doctors I went to had me do this and it worked for awhile. My hives left but then after I had been doing it for awhile I added foods back to fast, they were back and I was left still not knowing anything more than when I started. Well I have thought about going to the doctor again since they have been gradually getting worse since March.
For those of you who don't know I had chronic hives for 6 1/2 years. No doctor could figure out what was causing them (after Xray's, and all the allergy tests they could think of) and I went through all sorts of different medicines and basically lived off Benadryl for years. They had told me this is chronic uticaria and it should go away anywhere from now to 7 years from now. Well I was one of the lucky ones, 6.5 years (1/2 shorter than the max, ugh!) and they left. Then shortly after I got pregnant. Now many people say well maybe it's the hormones that kept them away while you were pregnant but they were gone before I even got pregnant. Then in March after I had Noah they have gradually started coming back.
Well now I'm up to 3 Benadryl every time I take it, have them on a daily basis and last week almost every day dealt with some sort of facial swelling (which I don't handle very well). So needless to say I'm frustrated, very frustrated!! If I go back to the doctor I don't even know where to start. Last time I went to the dermatologist in town, who sent me to a specialist in Charleston, who sent me to an allergist in Champaign, who I then gave up on and went to another one in Decatur. And after over a year of doctor visits and testing, still nothing. The doctor in Decatur was the one who had me do this diet and keep track of everything I ate. To sum it up you don't eat for 3 days, then each day you add a food. When you add foods it has to be something that is just that food. Like a banana, apple, or carrots something that has nothing else in it and not processed. We pretty much know it's not something obvious it has to be something little that is in a ton of things. So yesterday I started, I kind of cheated though I did eat a banana. My thinking was I know it's not something that obvious so I will start with that. So for the next 2 days I'm eating bananas. Fun Fun! And the whole process is hard anyway because things can stay in your system for days. So imagine my frustration when I woke up this morning to hives. Lots of hives on my ankles, as a matter of fact it hurts to walk because my ankle has swelled so much. So I didn't eat anything but a banana yesterday and I still have the stupid things. However, I'm going to try my hardest with this, this time and hopefully can maybe figure something out. Even though it could take quite a long time. So just wanted a warning to be out there. I will most likely be very tired and grumpy this week! And keep me in prayers, I need to try and keep a good attitude and the strength and will to be able to do this!
I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me!
For those of you who don't know I had chronic hives for 6 1/2 years. No doctor could figure out what was causing them (after Xray's, and all the allergy tests they could think of) and I went through all sorts of different medicines and basically lived off Benadryl for years. They had told me this is chronic uticaria and it should go away anywhere from now to 7 years from now. Well I was one of the lucky ones, 6.5 years (1/2 shorter than the max, ugh!) and they left. Then shortly after I got pregnant. Now many people say well maybe it's the hormones that kept them away while you were pregnant but they were gone before I even got pregnant. Then in March after I had Noah they have gradually started coming back.
Well now I'm up to 3 Benadryl every time I take it, have them on a daily basis and last week almost every day dealt with some sort of facial swelling (which I don't handle very well). So needless to say I'm frustrated, very frustrated!! If I go back to the doctor I don't even know where to start. Last time I went to the dermatologist in town, who sent me to a specialist in Charleston, who sent me to an allergist in Champaign, who I then gave up on and went to another one in Decatur. And after over a year of doctor visits and testing, still nothing. The doctor in Decatur was the one who had me do this diet and keep track of everything I ate. To sum it up you don't eat for 3 days, then each day you add a food. When you add foods it has to be something that is just that food. Like a banana, apple, or carrots something that has nothing else in it and not processed. We pretty much know it's not something obvious it has to be something little that is in a ton of things. So yesterday I started, I kind of cheated though I did eat a banana. My thinking was I know it's not something that obvious so I will start with that. So for the next 2 days I'm eating bananas. Fun Fun! And the whole process is hard anyway because things can stay in your system for days. So imagine my frustration when I woke up this morning to hives. Lots of hives on my ankles, as a matter of fact it hurts to walk because my ankle has swelled so much. So I didn't eat anything but a banana yesterday and I still have the stupid things. However, I'm going to try my hardest with this, this time and hopefully can maybe figure something out. Even though it could take quite a long time. So just wanted a warning to be out there. I will most likely be very tired and grumpy this week! And keep me in prayers, I need to try and keep a good attitude and the strength and will to be able to do this!
I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me!
Monday, September 13, 2010
So Handsome!
Yesterday Matthew wanted me to spike the front of Noah's hair up. I told him I wasn't good at it and didn't have time to mess with it ( I was having problems finding something to wear, I absolutely hate getting dressed these days, I just can't find anything I like in my closet or in stores). So dad did his hair and was quite proud. We went to church and he got all sorts of comments on his hair-do. I should have taken pictures before we left but didn't think about it so I got some when we got home after it had mostly fallen down. But anyways these days he just looks so much like a little boy and not a baby, I just can't handle how cute he is sometimes! Noah gets tons of kisses and squeezes each day, way more than he would like.
My little cheeseball
Showing off his tooth, you can barely see the 2nd one in this picture. If I would have taken it today, you would really be able to see it. Poor guy, that thing really came up more last night.
Oh, how I love him so much, how could you not love this face
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Playing and Trip to the Park again
On Wednesday Matthew and I were both off. Matthew was doing work on the windows most of the afternoon but he took a break and went to the park with us. I wanted him to see Noah swing because he loves it so much. I couldn't get any good pictures that day for some reason of him swinging but I got a few others. We also rode the bouncy horses that were there. Noah prefers swinging a lot more but still seemed to enjoy them.
He was telling us stories while swinging
Okay so I posted earlier about getting Noah some balls, well the problem with them is, is that in no time they are all out of his reach. He can get them all moved rather quickly so I was thinking I needed a way to baracade them in so that they would stay around him longer. I kept trying to use toys but that doesn't work because he picks them up too. Then I came up with the idea to use the boppy. I put a bunch of balls in the middle. I thought I had came up with great idea, but as you can see that didn't last long either.
They all just rolled right on out once he started picking up a few.
His favorite thing to do with them, hit them together! So neat to see him using his hands to work together now!
8 Months
Today my little man is 8 months old already. We don't go back to the doctor still until 9 months so we did our own weight check this morning. And our chubby little boy is up to.......
Last month he was 21.2 so he gained a little over a pound. He is definetly slowing down in the weight gaining department but I know it's normal to slow down a lot after their first 6 months. Since we didn't have a doctor visit I thought I would look online for a percentile calculator just to see where he is there and I got anywhere from 75-90 percentile. So even though he has slowed down a lot he is still up there. He still just keeps getting happier and happier each month and more and more fun to play with minus last night (he was up from 3-6 am, just for the record his ma-ma and da-das aren't as cute at that hour) I think his teeth were just bothering him. His 2nd one that he has coming in looked like it was a little farther up so hopefully that's it and we aren't going to go back to that pattern again at night. We just love him so much regardless of what he does. It's amazing at how frustrating it is not sleeping sometimes but when he woke up this morning I couldn't wait to go pick him up and give him a big hug and kiss.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Another Tooth
Noah has another new tooth coming in this week. The one that has been right there for so long, has pretty much broken through and is creeping up each day! He is going to look so different with 2 little teeth down there. He already looks so much different with the one. He has been doing pretty good considering he is "teething". I haven't noticed really anything too different. A little more whiny at times, but he has always been a pretty high maintenance baby so we can handle this easily! I have been trying to get pictures but the teeth are so tiny and he won't let anything get to them hardly. I will keep trying and if I get one I will get it on here, so so cute!
So tonight we got an official ma-ma. Last Friday, I thought I heard Noah say it and then I looked at Matthew and he said he heard it too. Well I still wasn't quite sure it was what he said so I was waiting to here it again. Today at Nana Jill's she said he was saying it a lot. I told her I had thought I heard nana alot but not a sure ma-ma and she said she heard both. The two are really close, not like da-da which is a stronger sound. Well tonight we had friends over for dinner and Noah starting blabbering and we all heard it. So officially he now says, da-da, ma-ma, and na-na. It's funny though because now tonight I never heard him say da-da. I hope he doesn't quit that because I think da-da- is so cute when he says it. The last few days he has also picked up a new mouth movement it's very odd, it's like he's trying to say something but there isn't anything coming out. The first of many new words! Excting!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Labor Day
Today for Labor Day we didn't do anything too exciting. Noah and I went and got groceries like we do every Monday. Today while we were at Walmart I was on a mission to find some balls. Noah has really starting to like them when he has been around one. We have these stackable cups but when you put 2 of them together you can make a ball. We have been playing with them lately and rolling them back and forth. I guess it's more me rolling and Noah just trying to get rid of it and he gets so excited once he does. It's been super cute! Anyways since he enjoyed those I thought we needed some real balls for him. They didn't have what I thought I was looking for but they had a bag of 100 balls (like the ball pit ones without the pit) and I thought they were probably a little too old for him but would still be fun. Once I got home I was quite excited for him to be able to play with them so as soon as I got groceries in I opened them up and put some on the ground for him to play with. Now there are 100 but I don't think anytime soon will we be using all of them. They make quite a mess in my living room and as a neat freak I'm not sure why I thought these would be a good idea, but now I put Noah above my need for neatness and if he enjoys them I will just deal with them all over.
I kept trying to get him to look at me and it took me forever because he was so interested in all the balls. I tried every animal noise I could and finally got a smile!
Since it was nice out again today after Noah woke up from his nap we went out to hang out in the backyard playing with toys and looking at trees. A lot of times inside when Noah has a view of the windows he catches the trees moving outside and goes into a trance staring at them. It's quite humorous, well he was playing today and got into one outside. I captured his famous stare and of course his mouth is wide open. I also just love the blue eyes here!
Cheesy smile here but you can see his tooth on the left side, and today we noticed he has another that I think just barely broke through this morning. If it's anything like the last one it will probably take awhile to get where his other is now because it came up soooo slow. Poor guy!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
What Noah's doing at 7 months
Still can't believe how old my baby boy is getting, but at 7 months he has just seemed to be understanding so much more.
Isn't crawling yet but we know he can get on his knees because he sleeps on them a lot
Still is waking up at night ( I think he just really misses his mom, and wants to see me however this is something we are still working on, it's not my favorite mother/son moment)
Plays so well on the floor, he really reaches for his toys and sometimes falls on his belly, but is usually okay with it. It's so neat to watch him play I love it. Both of his hands are working together now when he plays. It's been so neat to see how his skills are always developing. He has learned how to bang things together
Has moved to the big boy car seat and loves being up higher so he can see outside
Loves jumping in his jumperoo, he can really get it going
Absolutely loves closets, it's so weird but everytime I take him to his closet or he sees Matthew or mine open he just starts flapping those crazy arms of his and squeals in excitement.
Has a huge open mouth smile. He used to have a few different ones but now it's always usually his huge one
Dances when he hears music sometimes, soo soo soo cute!
Has had his first 2 boo-boos.. Made his mom really sad!
Loves sitting in carts at Walmart, his favorite part of the trip is checking out, he always gets so excited at the checkout between all the noises and the pin pad he goes crazy with those arms and his huge smiles.
Loves acting like a big boy at restaurants in the high chair
Starting to use a sippy cup every now and then
Still doesn't hold his bottle I think he enjoys us doing it. He is getting closer because he will pull it out if he doesn't want to finish it. I don't mind this though, I think I will be sad when he doesn't want us to hold it.
Has certain books he already loves
Is starting to like balls, he tries somewhat to roll it back and forth. It's mostly me rolling it into his lap and him just trying to get rid of it. It seems like he kind of understands because he gets so excited when he finally gets it away from him
Says da-da and a few other sounds that don't mean anything. I love hearing him talk, I just can't get over how cute it is. I love watching his mouth move, it's like he has to put so much effort into it.
Squeals/screams a lot. It's not always a mad scream, I think he just loves his voice
Has 1 tooth and 1 that has been right at the surface for so long but still hasn't broke through
We love Noah more than we could ever explain. It's amazing how every day I just love him more and more and now he is entertaining us more than we are entertaining him. It's funny sometimes I'm like what did we do before him! We are enjoying this journey with him and can't believe how close he is getting to 1 year old already!
Isn't crawling yet but we know he can get on his knees because he sleeps on them a lot
Still is waking up at night ( I think he just really misses his mom, and wants to see me however this is something we are still working on, it's not my favorite mother/son moment)
Plays so well on the floor, he really reaches for his toys and sometimes falls on his belly, but is usually okay with it. It's so neat to watch him play I love it. Both of his hands are working together now when he plays. It's been so neat to see how his skills are always developing. He has learned how to bang things together
Has moved to the big boy car seat and loves being up higher so he can see outside
Loves jumping in his jumperoo, he can really get it going
Absolutely loves closets, it's so weird but everytime I take him to his closet or he sees Matthew or mine open he just starts flapping those crazy arms of his and squeals in excitement.
Has a huge open mouth smile. He used to have a few different ones but now it's always usually his huge one
Dances when he hears music sometimes, soo soo soo cute!
Has had his first 2 boo-boos.. Made his mom really sad!
Loves sitting in carts at Walmart, his favorite part of the trip is checking out, he always gets so excited at the checkout between all the noises and the pin pad he goes crazy with those arms and his huge smiles.
Loves acting like a big boy at restaurants in the high chair
Starting to use a sippy cup every now and then
Still doesn't hold his bottle I think he enjoys us doing it. He is getting closer because he will pull it out if he doesn't want to finish it. I don't mind this though, I think I will be sad when he doesn't want us to hold it.
Has certain books he already loves
Is starting to like balls, he tries somewhat to roll it back and forth. It's mostly me rolling it into his lap and him just trying to get rid of it. It seems like he kind of understands because he gets so excited when he finally gets it away from him
Says da-da and a few other sounds that don't mean anything. I love hearing him talk, I just can't get over how cute it is. I love watching his mouth move, it's like he has to put so much effort into it.
Squeals/screams a lot. It's not always a mad scream, I think he just loves his voice
Has 1 tooth and 1 that has been right at the surface for so long but still hasn't broke through
We love Noah more than we could ever explain. It's amazing how every day I just love him more and more and now he is entertaining us more than we are entertaining him. It's funny sometimes I'm like what did we do before him! We are enjoying this journey with him and can't believe how close he is getting to 1 year old already!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Love these
I just fell in love with this fabric when I saw it! 1) I love argyle and 2) it's just got the cutest colors. However very girly though, so I decided to make some burp cloths and a bib for a friend with a baby girl and this fabric is good because it's a flannel. I found pink flannel to match so everything is flannel, a lot better for this type of stuff than cotton fabrics!

Sippy Cup
Noah still loves cups and glasses of any kind. We had tried the sippy cup not too long ago but he wasn't interested, he still wanted the glasses we had. Since we hadn't tried it this week and he saw Matthew drinking something and got upset because he couldn't have his glass I got out the sippy cup again. This time he really liked it. He was trying it sitting up and couldn't get it to work too well so we let him lay on the ground on his boppy and try it that way. He just kept drinking and drinking. He isn't used to it yet you can tell because he kept getting too much in his mouth and it would spill over and every now and then he would cough a little from getting too much. It's just so cute how he loves to do big things and how he is just picking up so many new things lately. He looked like such a big boy laying there drinking out of the cup all by himself.
Here he is after he was done drinking, wet shirt, wet pants, wet boppy pretty much wet everything!
Everytime I tried to get a picture he would see me and start to take the cup out so I always got it halfway out of his mouth, oh well.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Plastic Cups
Noah has all the toys a little boy could want but yet still is amazed and entertained for a long time by a plastic cup! He loves to drink out of glasses like us big people. Not to interested in sippy cups though just wants the glass, so sometimes we will let him have some water out of a cup. We usually get out a plastic one so we can let him try to hold it instead of him holding a big glass. After he's done he loves to play with the cup and I'll admit I let him. However we have to keep a close eye because after awhile those cups start to crack, once that happens playing with cups is over. Those things can be dangerous! It is just funny to me that he always seems to love everything that's not a toy better than his actual toys!

Little Mover
Noah still isn't crawling but he sure knows how to use his rolling abilities to get where he wants. I don't remember where I went but I think I left him playing while I got dressed. If you notice where his toys are, that is where I left him. When I got back he was all the way by this footrest.
Apparently he saw the tag on this ottoman and really wanted it. He even managed to rip 1 of the 3 off. He also managed to take his dad's phone with him as he rolled. Every day he never ceases to amaze me in what he does or what he has figured out. They learn so much so fast!
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