Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What Noah's doing at 8 months

Oh, I just can't get enough of  that smile!
Our little boy acts and seems so big this last month!

At 8 months Noah

has 2 teeth and one on top that will most likely break through any day

says da-da, ma-ma, and na-na

says an occasional hey

seems to get the idea of waving, but I'm still not sure if he's doing or he is just happening to flap his arms at the right moment

still isn't crawling forward but moves around in circles and went backwards the other day for the first time, but this sure doesn't stop him from moving around through he can still get places

loves when you hold his arms and let him try and walk, he gets better and better each week
He loves doing anything he thinks is big

we had almost 2 weeks of sleeping through the night or at least until 4:30, boy was it nice but this last week we have been back to getting up multiple times  (this week he has been sick and teething so I haven't played hard mommy) hopefully we will go back to that, Some mornings I would just stay up after 4:30 or 5 because I always felt good after sleeping at least 6 hours straight!  Amazing how that is so much better then 8 hours with getting up a few times

tries to pull himself up on certain things

loves, loves his sippy cup, he likes to drink it and chew on it.  We were having to lay him down when we gave it to him or prop him up somehow but last week all of a sudden he started being able to do it sitting up, it's so funny how he thows his head back to drink it.  It's a little exaggerated, but so cute none the less

wears at least 12 months size clothing, I have been so glad that it's been cooler because we had a bunch of 12 month winter waiting for him and once he got into that size this summer I couldn't find any summer in that size so we had very slim pickens. 

has really learned how to through a pretty good fit, he definetly wants what he wants

has the craziest hair, its getting so long but still so fine, I can wet it down and gel it but by the afternoon it has still found a way to end up sticking straight up

is very ticklish in certain spots, anytime I want to hear the best sound in the world I tickle him.  I just love his deep belly laugh, so CUTE!!

loves music, sometimes when it's loud he will try and sing too.  We love it!

has such a personality,  He is truly growing up into a little boy.  How fast these last 8 1/2 months have gone by!  Even though things get stressful I really try and enjoy the time I have with him, I know he will be going to school before I know it.  Love him more and more every day even when he can be a little stink.  That smile he gives you just makes everything worth it no matter what! 

1 comment:

  1. Love this little guy more than anything in the world! Everything about him makes me smile! I don't want him to grow up! I almost cried reading this just because he sounds soo big!



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