Sunday, January 29, 2012

Carson at 5 Months Old

Today little man Jones is 5 months old.  Wow, has it really been that long already? 

At 5 months Carson can be one smiley little boy

He is still getting up 3 times a night...grr.. Apparently Matthew and I just don't have the genes to make good sleeping babies

He is one antsy fella, he loves to jump and bounce around

Is really starting to want everything in front of him, he's quite the reacher

Takes silly little catnaps.  He usually takes 1 or 2- half hour catnaps and one longer one later.   The catnaps aren't long enough for either one of us.

Starting to talk and laugh more and more.  I absolutely love when he talks and coos... So so cute!

He will usually talk himself to sleep at night and sometimes for naps as well

Still loves to watch his brother, I know he is going to be really frustrated when he can't do everything he can in the coming months

Loves it when people talk to him.  He will usually give out big smiles for a few words

Hardly ever finishes a bottle and wants to spend about an hour eating each time

Has had cereal a few times but we haven't started doing it every day yet

Is quite the slobber monster lately, we have brought out the little bibs!

Loves the burp cloth and sound machine just like his older brother

Getting closer to rolling from back to belly, but not quite there yet.  He does what looks like mini back bends a lot so I don't think it will be much longer.

Still isn't a paci baby but does like his own hands to suck on.  Not my favorite habit, he gets his hands soaked and then that transfers to me, his cheeks or his hands.  We go through a lot of clothes and burp cloths each day!

Still in size 2 diapers but getting closer to getting switched

Wears mostly all 6 month clothes

Does a lot better in the car these days.  We haven't had any major trips just across town or to Grandma's in Altamont, but he usually does surprising well!

Is such a little cutie pie, and looks a lot like his brother did at his age just a lot less chunky. 

Carson, mommy loves you so much but she also likes a little freedom from holding you nonstop during the afternoon/evening and would love to sleep through the night (maybe a Vday present?)

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