Monday, January 30, 2012

Dear Noah

Noah, I can't even tell you how much you have grown up in the last two years and especially just in the last few months.  Today we went to get your haircut, which you usually hate!  Last time was better than all the others but you still cried and said you wanted down a lot.  Today, you had your mom shedding a few tears (yes it was a little embarassing) because  I was so proud of you, you were such a good boy.  I stood by you while I was holding your brother and watched you just sit there and watch them in the mirror cutting your hair while you didn't complain at all. As  I watched you I just couldn't believe how much you are growing up.  It doesn't help you look a lot older to me with your hair short.  But right before we even got your hair cut, you were talking to another man waiting non stop telling him all about something, just a few months ago you would of screamed at the man if he looked at you.  You didn't run around and you listened to me so well.

Noah,  I can't even put into words what a neat little boy you are.  You were such a difficult baby and have always been somewhat of a challenge but these last few months you have matured so much and we never imagined that being your parents would be as great as it is!

Noah, every day I get to spend time with you and that is such a huge blessing.    I can't believe I get to be your mom!  I treasure that so much!

You have been picking up a lot of new words lately, and with each one we just get so excited for you!  We love hearing that cute little voice of yours.  Right now you can tell you are like a sponge, paying attention to every word being said and taking in all that is happening around.

You are such a helpful little boy and to see how much you love your brother, makes my heart melt everytime! 

You are very quirky and have some very interesting habits but if you end up a crazy cleaner and neat freak like your mom,  I won't complain.  I would love to have a cleaning buddy some day! 

You have such a cute run and your dancing is pretty cute too!

You let us cuddle with you in the morning and at night.  Most every night at dinner you look at us, and give us your scowl and then switch to your happy face and crack up laughing because you know how funny we think you are.  You have the best laugh, and a good fake one too that gets us smiling/laughing every time we hear it.  You love it when we chase you and everytime you are getting mad at me, I can usually growl and start chasing you and you turn into a laughing little boy! 

You have been playing so well by yourself lately, I love to listen/ watch you and to try and figure out what the wild imagination of yours is thinking.  I could watch you play all day.  I love to see you talking to your toys and interacting with things.  Yesterday you were playing in your playroom, I was working on dinner and I didn't see you anymore so I walked over to see what you were doing.  You were laying on your Cars chair which was unfolded to the bed and you were laying there holding a book up doing your version of reading it.  It's in those moments that make me want to drop everything and just soak up where you are, because you let me lay down by you and read some more books.  I know you won't let me do that forever. 

Right now you also give the best kisses and hugs, when you hug me, I'm holding you and you wrap your arms around me and just squeeze.  It's pretty much the greatest, and with your dad you like to hug him and tap his back.  It's adorable to see! 

Now you still are a 2 year old, and we have rough days every now and then and I'm not saying you don't whine or throw fits because you do every day but at the end of the day you are still my favorite 2 year old and we still love you more than we ever imagined.  Those moments of you being a typical 2 year old are outnumbered by all the wonderful moments you give us throughout each and every day!  We wouldn't trade you for the world Noah, we love you more than we could ever express. 


Mom-mom and Dad-dad

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