Friday, August 27, 2010
More Sewing Projects
I am really enjoying sewing, probably a little too much because I have been quite addicted the last couple days. I have actually been a little lax on cleaning, nothing usually stops me from cleaning until now! Tonight I was so excited to try something new, a bib! Noah uses a lot of bibs and now that he is eating lots of solids, they are getting stained very quickly (thank you to the carrots and sweet potatoes mostly). For these bibs I just used cotton fabric, with terry cloth on the back so they would be more absorbant. Now you have to excuse the picture, these aren't quite finished. Tomorrow I have to get some velcro or snaps (haven't decided which to use yet) and put those on. Then I need to stitch the openings I left to turn them right side out shut. Then they will be finished and I'm hoping they fit around Noah's big neck, if not I will just have to adjust the pattern to make them bigger. I love them!
Also tonight I did some more applique's. I love, love, love the N for Noah on the brown onesie. I had bought a set of dark colored onesies for this winter and when I saw this dotted fabric I fell in love and thought it would look great with brown. And the tie one, I had to redo since I messed it up the other day so here is another (I decided to do new fabric that I got this week instead). Tomorrow I am going to get some embroidery thread and try to hand stitch around these (I think) instead of doing the machine this time. I saw one online like that and thought it was cute with thick thread.
Now here are the burp cloths I made yesterday, I made 8 (2 of each one). The first picture is some like the others I made. I put a thin layer of batting in between the layers of fabric like the first ones I did and I tried a thinner batting then the first set. I still think they are too fat though. They are like mini blankets instead of burp cloths, quite puffy. On all the next ones I just did cotton fabric on one side and flannel on the other to be the absorbant side. These are pretty thin, but seem much better for the purpose. I just love finding cute fabrics!!
First Trip to the Park
Today Aunt Randi and I took Noah to the park for the first time. We found out that he loves to swing this week because Nana Jill has a swing in their back yard and he loved it. The weather was great today so I thought it would be a good day for the park and I could see him swing since I was working when he did it the other day. We first tried the little kid swings which he loved. I never pushed him very hard because he wouldn't lean back, instead he leaned forward on the swing, so it made me a little nervous since he wasn't strapped in. Then we tried having him swing with us on the big swings, he liked that too. We also tried the slides but I don't think he was big fan of them. He didn't cry or anything but we just didn't see any big smiles like he had on the swings.
After we were done playing we hung out on the grass for awhile and played.
1st Tooth
For awhile now if you look really close you could see a white spot in Noah's bottom gums. I have just been waiting for it to break though but it has stayed the same. Then I noticed all week this week they were really swollen and it looked as if both bottom center teeth were coming in. At first I could only see a spot on the right and then you could on the left center. Well this morning while he was doing his huge open mouth smile, I saw a lot more white than normal and sure enough 1 broke through. To my surprise it was the one on the left though, the spot I just started seeing. The tooth I don't think is all the way through though. You can feel it and it's just a little bit above the surface. He hasn't been any crankier than normal today thankfully, but I know yesterday morning he was pretty needy for nana Jill. I still can't believe though that one on the right is staying under. Hopefully it will break soon because I'm sure it has to bother him sometimes. I can't wait to see him with teeth. Right now since it's still low you can't see it much. He's going to look like such a big boy. I will try to get a picture once it comes up a little more, but since they are so tiny it may be near impossible.
Monday, August 23, 2010
My First Applique
I tried my first applique onesies today. I have bought 2 tie onesies for Noah on etsy and have forgotten about them each time until he has outgrown them. This time I was attempting to make my own. I found the templates for both of these on a blog.
Here is a pictures of the onesie after I bonded the fabric to the onesie. Good so far.....
Then I started stitching around the edge. I started with this one first since it was a lot more straight lines. Well I got halfway done and the top thread was doing something weird so I took out the onesie from the machine and realized I made a stupid mistake. I was stitching through both layers of the onesie. So now it's sewn shut! There will be no Noah inside this one, haha! At least I didn't waste my time and get it completely done.
The stitches all the way through to the back. Whoops!
Next the guitar onesie, I just love this fabric! Bonding process went fine on this one as well.
The stitching around this not as easy as the tie, it's almost all curves. Noah was in the room with me while I was trying this so I did a lot of starting and stopping, not a good idea on all these curves because I lost the flow each time. Overall it's okay, but there is lots of room for improvement. I'm still a beginner sewer so I need practice in just about everything and to learn more patience. I do everything quickly and that isn't the best way for a beginner to sew!
Here is a pictures of the onesie after I bonded the fabric to the onesie. Good so far.....
Slobber Monster
Today after we got home from running some errands, I changed Noah into something more comfortable and just put him in this onesie. I put him in his walker and he was going to town trying to eat some of his toys. After only about 15 minutes I picked him out of his walker and realized his shirt was completely soaked. A tooth has got to be close. For awhile now you can see the white spot on the bottom right side and it has been pretty swollen. As I was looking today it looked swollen on the left as well so hopefully these teeth will cut soon. He hasn't been too extra cranky just a little more whiny lately. But I know it usually hurts them so hopefully it won't drag on much longer.
So here is the soaked onesie!

So here is the soaked onesie!
Excuse all the errors
Last night I posted Da-da and I have to admit I was quite tired and didn't do any proofreading I just posted it to make sure I got it all wrote down. Well Matthew read it last night and this morning asked me if I proofread it, because it was terrible grammar and didn't make sense. So I have fixed it, I apologize it you wasted your time reading it and couldn't understand it. I will try to keep from writing posts when I'm too tired again to keep myself from the embarassment.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Today Noah said da-da for the first time and Matthew was here. He was so glad he got to actually hear it for himself! All day he really seemed like he was trying and he might get the "ddd" out but nothing else. It was funny because it seemed like he would almost whisper it. He has been squealing and making lots of noises lately but today he just really started to sound like he is talking about something here and there. Tonight I was cleaning up the kitchen a little and Matthew was hanging some pictures in the dining room for me and Noah was sitting in the Bumbo on the table in between us. He was busy watching Matthew because he loves watching his dad and he said clear as could be, "Da-da." Matthew turned around and looked at me and was like "did you hear that!" He was so excited that he got to hear it for himself instead of from me. He didn't say it again the rest of the night and then I was getting his pajamas on after his bath and he kept saying it again. However, Matthew wasn't around this time. Just another milestone our little (big) boy has hit. Now we have to get him saying it more. Then I'm really going to work hard on the ma-ma. I know it's usually a little bit later for this one though!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
More Burp Cloths
After our shopping trip this week I was so excited to finally get some cute fabric! I couldn't wait to get started. I again started with something easy and made some burp cloths all by myself.
The last ones I kind of cheated and just made some already finished burp cloths cuter. On the first two pictures I used flannel on both sides with a layer of batting in the middle to make them more absorbant. My favorite is the last one which just has cotton fabric on the top and terry cloth on the back. I just love that fabric so much! I am really having fun with the sewing and have been making quite a mess in the office. If I keep it up we will definetly be converting that room to an official sewing room! There just isn't space to work in there. I haven't decided what to do next. I'm really wanting to do some cute applique onesies, bibs, wipe case covers, and cute blankets. Hopefully this next week I can pick one of those projects to work on. I still have to improve a lot more on the sewing skills I'm not very good at sewing in a straight line but I know after more practice I will get better.

The last ones I kind of cheated and just made some already finished burp cloths cuter. On the first two pictures I used flannel on both sides with a layer of batting in the middle to make them more absorbant. My favorite is the last one which just has cotton fabric on the top and terry cloth on the back. I just love that fabric so much! I am really having fun with the sewing and have been making quite a mess in the office. If I keep it up we will definetly be converting that room to an official sewing room! There just isn't space to work in there. I haven't decided what to do next. I'm really wanting to do some cute applique onesies, bibs, wipe case covers, and cute blankets. Hopefully this next week I can pick one of those projects to work on. I still have to improve a lot more on the sewing skills I'm not very good at sewing in a straight line but I know after more practice I will get better.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Noah at 7 months
We got bored this afternoon, or should I say I was tired of playing this afternoon with the same toys so I decided to have a little photo session with Noah. I think he had fun too, especially with the toilet paper. He did try to eat it once. He wasn't a fan, he made quite the face. That was the last time he tried it though. Anyways we had fun and I get some more new pictures out of it. I had bought some of his 6 month photos from the photographer but I wanted some more that looked a little different so they all didn't look at exactly the same time. So I got some that will work with the other pictures.
Noah's Dedication
Last Sunday August 15th, we had Noah dedicated at church. We were so blessed to have our good friend Tyler do the dedication. He did a great job and were so glad that he was able to do it. We had our parents and siblings come up with us as well. Noah did really well, he let Tyler hold him. I think he really loved looking at all the people. You could tell he was excited because the whole time he just flapped his arms and at one time he squealed pretty loud. We didn't get very good pictures because of the lighting in there. There are shadows on Noah's face each time but at least we have some.
Girls Overnight Shopping Trip
Tuesday night after work, my mom, Randi and Katie and I left for an overnight shopping trip to Champaign. Not far, but far enough for my first entire night away from my little boy. I had to work on Tuesday so that stunk since I didn't get to spend the day with Noah but I got to at least see him before I left. I got to get in some good squeezes and lots of kisses and hugs. I knew he would be fine with his dad, but a little nervous since it was their first night together alone as well. Noah ended up actually doing well for his dad and let him get a good nights sleep. He hasn't been doing so well in that department so he did the best he had in awhile. He didn't get up til 4:45. Matthew waited until about 5:15 and then fed him and they stayed in bed til after 9. Noah was up part of the time but just rolling around and kicking dad. It's cute because Matthew talks like it annoys him that Noah kicks him if he lays him down by him, but I know he really likes it and thinks its cute! Oh how I love my boys!
Anyways about our trip we went up and got there about 5:20. We started shopping right away since we didn't have tons of time before everything closed. We shopped and shopped until closing time of the mall and a few other stores. Then we went on to Target. Oh how I love Target. I got some really cute diapers from there that were Target generic brand (thanks Kacie for telling me about them). Really cute with polka dots. I'm going to try them and see if they are any good, but the price was great and irresistable for their cuteness. I'm sure we will take some pictures in them. While we were at Target we picked out some snacks a necessity on a girls trip, popcorn, Ben and Jerry's ice cream, and turtles. After we were done at Target we went and checked into our hotel and started snacking and going through and showing each other what we all got. The picture below is everything laid out ( not just mine it was all of ours). There wasn't enough room so some of it is actually stacked up. My mom said this picture should be labeled sinners. She is right, it is quite ridiculous. I am officially done shopping for awhile!
After we went through our stuff we decided to do some fun face masks that I had found at Forever 21. They were cheap and I thought they would be fun to do. Randi, and I had papaya mud masks. Katie had a cucumber peel off mask and mom had a mud mask too but I can't remember what kind it was, mango maybe?
I know we look quite scary, like the scariest clowns I have ever seen. However it was worth it, my skin actually felt better afterwards and the next morning. Not sure if they really did anything but it felt like it. Overall we had a great time. It was nice to get away and have some girl time, especially with my family. I love them all so much and are so thankful for them.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Friday with my son
Noah and I had a wonderful day today, we didn't get much accomplished at the house but we did a lot of hanging out. We started out the morning with Walmart, then went to visit my cousin and her new baby, had lunch with Shae, Noah took a nap, Aunt Kate and Mitch came over and played for a little while, daddy came home we ate, went to see Great Grandma Jones, then Aunt Randi came to visit and then finally got ready for bed. Poor boy was tired he went right to bed tonight, he didn't fight it at all.
Looking out the window like we do after pretty much every diaper change. He just loves it, I love to watch him stare at the plants, trees and grass ( everything green). Aunt Kate snuck up on us and got this picture.
The beginning of a new hobby
I have been wanting to learn to sew for awhile. When I was pregnant I had fallen in love with tons of products on Etsy. I thought it would be a fun hobby to be able to make cute baby stuff for Noah and other people. So for my birthday this last June I wanted to get a sewing machine. My husband knows me all too well and thought that before I put any money into something like this I should find out if I actually even like to sew. So my mom taught me a little bit and is letting me borrow her sewing machine right now, so I have been able to work on my first project. The first thing I decided to start with were some burp cloths. I had ordered a couple of these off of etsy and they looked very easy so I tried some of my own. I really enjoyed making these and are going to try some more projects soon. There isn't really much in town as far as fabric choices so I'm planning to hit up some fabric stores next week while I'm in Champaign and then I plan to make a few other things on my wish list of projects. Once I've decided if this is something for me I might turn our spare room into a crafting room, which I hear really makes sewing a lot better if you have a place where you can leave the machine out. I have seen many wonderful looking craft rooms in the blogging world. Mine would be nothing compared to those but just a room to store items and a large workspace and possibly half playroom so that way Noah could play some while I worked on things. We will see how it goes though with the next few projects. I haven't always had lots of patience so we will see if I'm different with sewing.
Here are some pictures of my first burp cloths.

Here are some pictures of my first burp cloths.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Big Boy Car Seat
I have been stalling and stalling moving Noah to his big boy car seat for awhile now. I have had the other for awhile now and just kept waiting. Our weight limit on our infant carrier is 22 lbs so we are pretty close. He is now really difficult to carry in it anyway now. I usually took him out and carried him instead whenever I could. There are a couple of things that were holding me back from switching him
1) I run a lot of errands, some of them not necessary I just need a reason to get out of the house, but I didn't know if he was ready to sit in the shopping carts. Well we have a cover for them and it has straps to buckle him in so I'm sure that will be fine. I did get it out and place it in the Highlander so it's ready whenever we go somewhere next. Also
2) we used to eat out a lot so the carrier was nice to put in the slings and I didn't know how he would do in a high chair well we will just have to make it work. Usually he wants to sit on your lap anyway so he wasn't always in the carrier. The shopping cart cover is also supposed to work for high chairs as well so I think we are covered there.
3) for those times that he falls asleep, he used to just stay asleep and you could move him into somewhere and he wouldn't budge. Well all of a sudden the last couple weeks as soon as you open his door to get him out, if he was sleeping he will wake right up so it doesn't work anymore anyway.
So anyways today I finally did it, Noah went down for a nap so I went outside and got the car seat installed. The book was quite lengthy and I'm not going to lie it probably took me a good 1/2 hour to get it figured out. I had to read everything of course and make sure I was doing everything correctly and knew how he was really supposed to be buckled and how it was all supposed to fit. I think I got it all down and we took our first trip in it to the mall to do a little walking. I think so far he likes it, he is up higher so I think he feels like he can see more. He looked so cute in it, but yet so big. It just seems like everyday there is a new milestone he is hitting. Here he is in his seat, in the first picture I couldn't get him to look at me, he had his eyes on the trees and all leaves in the front yard.

1) I run a lot of errands, some of them not necessary I just need a reason to get out of the house, but I didn't know if he was ready to sit in the shopping carts. Well we have a cover for them and it has straps to buckle him in so I'm sure that will be fine. I did get it out and place it in the Highlander so it's ready whenever we go somewhere next. Also
2) we used to eat out a lot so the carrier was nice to put in the slings and I didn't know how he would do in a high chair well we will just have to make it work. Usually he wants to sit on your lap anyway so he wasn't always in the carrier. The shopping cart cover is also supposed to work for high chairs as well so I think we are covered there.
3) for those times that he falls asleep, he used to just stay asleep and you could move him into somewhere and he wouldn't budge. Well all of a sudden the last couple weeks as soon as you open his door to get him out, if he was sleeping he will wake right up so it doesn't work anymore anyway.
So anyways today I finally did it, Noah went down for a nap so I went outside and got the car seat installed. The book was quite lengthy and I'm not going to lie it probably took me a good 1/2 hour to get it figured out. I had to read everything of course and make sure I was doing everything correctly and knew how he was really supposed to be buckled and how it was all supposed to fit. I think I got it all down and we took our first trip in it to the mall to do a little walking. I think so far he likes it, he is up higher so I think he feels like he can see more. He looked so cute in it, but yet so big. It just seems like everyday there is a new milestone he is hitting. Here he is in his seat, in the first picture I couldn't get him to look at me, he had his eyes on the trees and all leaves in the front yard.
7 Months
Today my little boy turned 7 months old, I can't believe how much he has grown, these last 7 months and especially this last month. He has just seemed so much older lately. He makes me laugh on a daily basis, and I just can't get enough of his laughs, giggles, and squeals. We don't have another doctor visit until he is 9 months so I thought we would do a weigh in ourselves. I love this picture, it looks like he is really excited to get weighed ( we are very different, in that aspect, haha). Last month, he was a whopping 20.0 lbs and this month he is......
(excuse the wet onesie he is quite the slobber monster these days)
Monday, August 9, 2010
We took Noah swimming again yesterday.. Lately he has just really enjoyed the pool, I'm so glad he has changed his mind about it. It's so nice to get outside and as hot as its been lately we haven't stayed out a whole lot.
Smiling at his aunt Randi
For some reason he has started to really enjoy trying to eat his raft. He was getting ready to here. I'm not sure if its the water on it he kept trying to get or for some reason he just enjoys putting his face into a bunch of plastic ( I'm not a fan it really makes me nervous)
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