1) I run a lot of errands, some of them not necessary I just need a reason to get out of the house, but I didn't know if he was ready to sit in the shopping carts. Well we have a cover for them and it has straps to buckle him in so I'm sure that will be fine. I did get it out and place it in the Highlander so it's ready whenever we go somewhere next. Also
2) we used to eat out a lot so the carrier was nice to put in the slings and I didn't know how he would do in a high chair well we will just have to make it work. Usually he wants to sit on your lap anyway so he wasn't always in the carrier. The shopping cart cover is also supposed to work for high chairs as well so I think we are covered there.
3) for those times that he falls asleep, he used to just stay asleep and you could move him into somewhere and he wouldn't budge. Well all of a sudden the last couple weeks as soon as you open his door to get him out, if he was sleeping he will wake right up so it doesn't work anymore anyway.
So anyways today I finally did it, Noah went down for a nap so I went outside and got the car seat installed. The book was quite lengthy and I'm not going to lie it probably took me a good 1/2 hour to get it figured out. I had to read everything of course and make sure I was doing everything correctly and knew how he was really supposed to be buckled and how it was all supposed to fit. I think I got it all down and we took our first trip in it to the mall to do a little walking. I think so far he likes it, he is up higher so I think he feels like he can see more. He looked so cute in it, but yet so big. It just seems like everyday there is a new milestone he is hitting. Here he is in his seat, in the first picture I couldn't get him to look at me, he had his eyes on the trees and all leaves in the front yard.
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