Friday, August 13, 2010

The beginning of a new hobby

I have been wanting to learn to sew for awhile. When I was pregnant I had fallen in love with tons of products on Etsy. I thought it would be a fun hobby to be able to make cute baby stuff for Noah and other people. So for my birthday this last June I wanted to get a sewing machine. My husband knows me all too well and thought that before I put any money into something like this I should find out if I actually even like to sew. So my mom taught me a little bit and is letting me borrow her sewing machine right now, so I have been able to work on my first project. The first thing I decided to start with were some burp cloths. I had ordered a couple of these off of etsy and they looked very easy so I tried some of my own. I really enjoyed making these and are going to try some more projects soon. There isn't really much in town as far as fabric choices so I'm planning to hit up some fabric stores next week while I'm in Champaign and then I plan to make a few other things on my wish list of projects. Once I've decided if this is something for me I might turn our spare room into a crafting room, which I hear really makes sewing a lot better if you have a place where you can leave the machine out. I have seen many wonderful looking craft rooms in the blogging world. Mine would be nothing compared to those but just a room to store items and a large workspace and possibly half playroom so that way Noah could play some while I worked on things. We will see how it goes though with the next few projects. I haven't always had lots of patience so we will see if I'm different with sewing.
Here are some pictures of my first burp cloths.

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job on these jen! I can totally see you have an etsy site soon. The next time Im in iowa Im going to have my SIL teach me how to do some of this so I can try it too!



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